So I have question about scaling inside of Maya. I've imported a Solidworks model way too small. So I wanted to scale it up to the correct size (tried uniform scaling via group, tried scaling at the component level), and the mesh turns to poop in the viewport.
Now I'm totally just going to re-import the model into Maya without ignoring the units like a dumbass, but I'm still curious as to what is causing this and how to avoid the issue (for the future). Below are two photos. One of the model before scaling inside of Maya, and one (yep, you've guess it) after I scaled up 50x by dupSpecial (I've tried manually scaling too with the same result).
When zooming in really close the mesh resolves.
Cheers n' beers!

Did you try changing any of the near/far plane clip settings on your current camera?
If you did then make sure not just to increase the far plane without adjusting the near plane. A rule of thumb I try to use is that if I change the decimal sign on one of them I change on the other one as well to not stretch the range of sorting too far.
I can mimic similar results with a huuuuge model and crazily far stretched near/far plane.