I'm working on a DDO project using the UDK calibration, so the normal map's Y is inverted. I feed the DDO project a +Y normal map from xnormal and NDO, and it does invert it. However when I preview my project in 3DO I've noticed that the previewer seems to be expecting a +Y normal map instead of -Y because the normals render wrong. Is this intended behavior? (Suite preview 1.7c)

So yeah, unless there's an undocumented step for -Y projects, I'm doing what it's asking me to do as far as I can tell.
DDO expects y+, and with export with the UDK profile it will be y- automatic!
Only if your import map is y- in to DDO should you use flip Y.
Hope this clears it up a bit
Hi Eric. That's what I'm doing. I give DDO a y+ normal map in the base creator and select the UDK Calibration Profile. Everything works correctly in DDO but then 3DO doesn't appear to read that the project is using a flipped Y for the UDK profile. It looks like 3DO is still expecting a y+ map even though DDO flips it for the project.
-edit- Actually now I'm even more confused. If I select the UDK calibration during project creation, it automatically checks the "Flip Y" option in the creator. Is that a bug?
Or alternatively is the flipping only supposed to happen during Export from DDO?
So yes, make sure the Flip Y option is unchecked if you are using Y+ normals as input. Sorry for the confusion. It would probably be best if there is an option for turning off auto-flipping to make this behavior much less irritating for those who do not need it.
I hope this is finally cleared up! Sorry again for the confusion.
- Teddy