I think I was able to resolve my issue with forgetting to reset X-Forms before skinning by saving and re-importing the vertex weights once reseted.
Thread here:
While the rig seems to work the scale of the imported meshes is still wrong.
Just did a quick thest with svens default horns:
I found this thread which got the same issue with Maya 2015.
Apparently the issue was that the workshop filed provided by Valve got wrong scales. So i would have to decompile the Dota files myself.
I gave it a shot by using
- GCFScape to extract the packed files
- Crowbar to decompile the .mdl
- WallWorm Tools QC Importer (seemingly the only Max 2015 compatible Importer)
But I end up with a huge mess.
However when deleting the Skin modifier I end up with a way smaller mesh than the one from Valve's resources.
And it also has a different pose for the fingers!
So I guess my issue is infact with the template files valve provided.
But I can't seem to get the actual files successfully imported.
What tools do you guys use for Max2015 and how do you go about importing the meshes?
I also got a old license for Max2010 if there is no way arround it.
If anyone could share their imported sven mesh it would greatly help me finish this set, but I sure want to get it working myself for future projects.
Thank you!
I converted the files units to cm, put my lowpoly over it and indeed it was much too large.
Gotta see if I can reuse my exported skin weights aswell.
The head ends up beeing rotated 90° to the right again.
Gonna try to find any other importers that might work with 2015.
IT seems the head is the only part that requires the old pivot.
Or rather, the original head seems have to a non-reset pivot with X pointing up.
So far shoulder and Back worked with ordianry reset X-Form.
all of the files are outdated, Booty hunter, Pugna, Jven, Axe, Magnus..... Lancer has some axis issues from what i remember....
I did read that the decopilation and unpacking of the native files needs the current soruce SDK (and seemingly some manual modifications as its not up to date for dota models)
I didnt rly bother with that as i got no errors in the wole process.
As posted my workflow was:
- GCFScape to extract the packed files
- Crowbar to decompile the .mdl
- WallWorm Tools QC Importer (seemingly the only Max 2015 compatible Importer)
But I did not bother even downloading the source SDK on this machine.
CannonFodder needed me to install some stuff iirc so I did just stick with crowbar.
Do you use the same tools hayes?