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Poppy, the Iron Ambassador

Hey guys, first post here.

It took awhile to get my account verified so I have a bit of catch up to do on images

WIP 1-3
Mostly just fighting with perspective. Not really my strong suit... if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve this I'd really love to hear it!
WIP 4-5
Not much change, just adding the bars from Poppy's ult and hands. Added a second hand and blurred the bars upon a friend's suggestion
WIP 6-7
Changed to the resolution used in LoL splashes then mapped out a placeholder background as I haven't decided which city to place her in yet (yet again, I'd love suggestions! I'm tossing up between Demacia and Noxus right now.) The blurred colours are a blurred version of Noxus City in order to get an idea of the palette I would use if I went with Noxus
WIP 8-9
Added in traced lines from an image of an alleyway to get a general idea of the composition I wish to create. Please note this will be replaced once with my own untraced work once I am happy with the composition! I then re-added Poppy and the bars ect. Next step is rendering but I wanted to post it before
I started
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