Working on a spider tank mech thing for a class and this week had to post up here for crit.
Working on creating my low poly from my high currently but I'm open to other ideas on how to make this high just a little bit better.
Red will be an emissive texture in the end.
The barrels of the minigun are another obvious point - in your wireframe they appear black - but with only 6 of them you will save less. Nevertheless, there's no reason for them to be tubes instead of cylinders given their size, and 12 sides will be more than enough - even 8 will probably work. These changes alone will net 500 or so fewer polys.
Overall, consider the relative size of the model in game; if it's like the two concept images then many of your smaller details won't even be visible.
At this point it's just a matter of finishing it up by adding some decals and final little bits of detail.
Some screens from Marmoset with two different skies (maps are the same in both).