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Normal Problem ?

polycounter lvl 8
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nastobi123 polycounter lvl 8
So I'm really frustrated and I've been going round and round fixing the model, the cage and UV Islands. Wondering if this is actually a normals problem.

So heres the map itself,

Is this a problem ? it looks messy as f. :(



  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    You try slapping it in a render and see if it actually shows up?

    Otherwise, if you're using xNormal, adjust ray hit distance up and down, see what happens.
  • Trevor
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    Trevor polycounter lvl 4
    In order to help we need more information, as the problem seems very vague right now. At a first glance it looks like a little automatic dilation but I cant tell without seeing the UVs.
    How does the map look on the model?
    What programs are you using?
    Post a render of the model with the map applied, Also post UVs.
    Normal maps themselves dont look 100% perfect all the time. What matters is how it looks on the model.
  • EarthQuake
    This looks like edge padding, which is a good thing, and will not show up on your model. Edge padding helps improve mip-mapping quality, and if anything, you should have more padding (can never have too much padding).

    Show the problem on the mesh with a realtime shader if its something other than edge padding.
  • nastobi123
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    nastobi123 polycounter lvl 8
    @Trevor sorry about that, I use 3DS Max. So far the normal map looks fine. Though, I was just wondering if those skipping colours in the map is a bad thing. Also thanks :)

    @EarthQuake So, if its outside the UV Island, its no big deal unless youre vieweing it from far away ? Also thanks :D

    @JadeEyePanda Here it is, man.

    Model with normal map in MT2

    and the UVs

    So in conclusion, don't give two shits about anything outside the UV Island and what matters is how it looks in the model itself ?

    EDIT : Thanks guys :)
  • EarthQuake
    nastobi123 wrote: »
    @EarthQuake So, if its outside the UV Island, its no big deal unless youre vieweing it from far away ? Also thanks :D

    Right, pixel padding helps when your model is viewed at further distances (or when someone plays the game with lower quality texture settings) as the texture resolution is smaller. When you size a texture down, if you have a harsh edge at the uv border, the pixels will bleed over and cause seams. If your textures have pixel padding, it will help reduce those seams.
    So in conclusion, don't give two shits about anything outside the UV Island and what matters is how it looks in the model itself ?

    Exactly, this applies to pretty much all issues with normal maps. Something you see in 2d and think is an error might not be when you apply the NM to the model. So in general, only worry about what you can actually see on the model.
  • nastobi123
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    nastobi123 polycounter lvl 8
    @EarthQuake Great, thanks man :) really helped a lot. Youre a legend here, man.

    Thanks guys, learned a lot. Also, for some reason, the two images above are the same. Supposed normal then normal with wire frame. Anyways, thanks. :D

    EDIT : Could the normal become more cleaner though or it what it is ?
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    EDIT : Could the normal become more cleaner though or it what it is ?
    It's a big beautiful normal map and it don't need no man.

    The pixel padding is doing exactly what it needs to at those edges by extending out like that.
  • nastobi123
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    nastobi123 polycounter lvl 8
    @throttlekitty what you did there, I see "it" , anyway thanks :)
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