Greetings! Seeing so many great ideas/tests from everyone so far!
Hopefully I'll be able to show something just as good! I have several ideas in mind, but I'll most likely be starting with a creature animation. Be back in a bit!
Here's some lame back story: Once the graveyard keeper of the citizens of Piltover, [Champion Name] became disfigured after seeking the darkest of magics and most forbidden of rituals in order to revive his only daughter, all to no avail. [Champion Name] now carries her tombstone which possesses a lingering image of her soul.
Have some ideas for the skillset, but need time to flesh that out a bit more.
Q -
W -
E -
R -
Champion attacks by summoning tombstones and having souls affect the nearby area.
I'm liking the progress! Since his right arm is his main propulsion make sure to nail that, get his weight evenly distributed so that method of locomotion makes sense. I'd watch the left and right translation of his right arm (when looking from the front view).
I like the general weight of the tombstone, try to offset it a bit with the up and down of his chest. Keep it up!
This looks like a really cool character. I can imagine him summoning skeleton arms from the ground rather then stones, but it all works.
Want to see more!
Thanks to everyone for the comments/feedback thus far! Definitely helping me along! I feel like I finally got somewhere decent. I just realized the head flashing a bit as it comes up (darn it!) and the tail could use some work (stupid tails!), but it's generally near the end stages. Definitely will revisit in the future!
So here we go with a revisited kit!
Passive - Haunting Presence
Lost and tormented souls follow Gaghor, doing his bidding for him. Gaghor's auto attacks and spells add a stack of Haunting Presence (aka, attach a soul) on enemies (minions included). For each soul attached to a champion, Gaghor gains passive health regeneration (very small). Maximum 10 stacks.
Q - Defiling Visions
Active - Gaghor slams down his tombstone, sending souls underground and to a target location. The target location explodes after a period of time. Enemy champions inside the explosion are rooted by the souls and gain 2 stacks of Haunting Presence.
W - Another Burial
Active - Gaghor digs and places a tombstone near him. The tombstone acts as temporary terrain and has an area of effect slow. This area also applies stacks of Haunting Presence. Gaghor can only carry up to 3 tombstone at a time.
E - A Grave Gift
Passive - If Gaghor is a certain distance from one of his tombstones, he is empowered by his nearby souls and has increased movement speed and armor/magic resist. This effect stacks.
Active - Gaghor punches in front of him. If he is next to a tombstone from Another Burial, he will punch the tombstone away from him. If the tombstone collides with an enemy champion, they are stunned.
R - Rest in Peace
Active - Gaghor reaches for all the souls nearby and asks for their forgiveness and rips their existence apart, dealing damage to all enemies that carried the souls. Enemies with 5 stacks of Haunting Presence or less are slowed. Enemies with 6 stacks or higher are stunned.
I will start working an attack soon (do you guys suggest any of the above attacks?, or perhaps alternative thoughts to the skillset?)
I've also set up another character that I'm toying around with. [Unknown name] is a Time Mage, similar to Zilean, but from future Piltover (he's got no face! :O). The guy is quite the immature prankster, however, and enjoys playing tricks on people.
Evening, everyone! Popping in to add some progress updates.
Been working on the walk cycle for Tandel, the Space-Time Trickster:
As a young child, Tandel's missing face scared both children and adults alike; thus Tandel lived alone, homeless, and always hungry. He resorted to simple thievery in order survive in Piltover, but everything changed when Tandel tried to steal some pocket money from a man who went by the name Zilean. After berating the boy, the Chronokeeper immediately sensed something strange. Looking beyond the boy's past, present, and future, Zilean could see the powers that Tandel had been born with, which were far greater than his own, and eventually what they would make him become. Zilean feared this ruin he saw in Tandel's future and, committed to stopping it, he took the boy in as his adopted son, hoping to gift him the teachings that would sway the momentum of the current universal timeline. Tandel, however, grew up and never stopped being the prankster. Upon gaining enough knowledge of his abilities, Tandel began travelling through the infinite timelines, always allowing for the time to change a bit of the universe's history...and maybe learning a little about it in the process.
Q -
W -
E -
R -
Definitely need to polish a couple things and push a bit of the sillhouettes, but I think I got a good start. Was definitely refreshing to work on after Gaghor. ^.^ Will also be adding some animation to the staff with all of its cogs. The teal orb in the middle will also do something cool, I hope xD.
Will proceed to do Gaghor's attack this weekend. Hopefully it goes well!
Thanks everyone! Definitely slightly torn between the two. Totally agree that Tandel has a bit more personality, though Gaghor seems more unique/creative. I guess we'll have to see how their attacks span out! ^.^ Will try to have something by tomorrow. ୧(﹒︠ᴗ﹒︡)୨
EDIT: I apologize for that extra blank frame that is in between every loop. If anyone ends up going to the hospital because of it......I'll try to get rid of it later tonight. ~.~
Trucking along~ Doodeedaaa~
I've some early blocking stages of what I'm looking at for both Gaghor and Tandel. There's tons of room for improvement for both! I feel like the overall 'idea' is there, but a lot like exact timings/movement choices can be changed. Here are some notes I'm thinking about, for those of you interested (watch out though; it's a bit longer than the normal post, xD):
Is the 'punch' too swipe-like? Could it use more of a straight curve and not have so much follow through? Would this help with "impact"?
On the same note, would an actual "punch" be un-creature-like? Animals tend to swipe a lot as opposed to punching/pushing/pulling which is more of a human thing. Perhaps a 'punch' that uses the shoulder or the entire body?
Does Gaghor smash his tombstone into the ground too hard? Does this take away from the main 'move' which is the punch? Should he just casually drop it on the ground where it hits with a heavy 'thud'?
When the tombstone is hit back, does it tilt too much? Should it retain it's level, have more vibrations, and have some rock debris made in its wake?
Just as a refresher, here's the combo I was animating:
W - Another Burial
Active - Gaghor digs and places a tombstone near him. The tombstone acts as temporary terrain and has an area of effect slow. This area also applies stacks of Haunting Presence. Gaghor can only carry up to 3 tombstone at a time.
E - A Grave Gift
Passive - If Gaghor is a certain distance from one of his tombstones, he is empowered by his nearby souls and has increased movement speed and armor/magic resist. This effect stacks.
Active - Gaghor punches in front of him. If he is next to a tombstone from Another Burial, he will punch the tombstone away from him. If the tombstone collides with an enemy champion, they are stunned.
I'm actually thinking about changing his ultimate to a summoning of a massive graveyard that creates extra terrain and slows people, applying his passive stacks. Might be cooler...not sure. A normal punch seems pretty tame. xD
Perhaps Tandel recoils too far from the throw. The recoil distance can possibly be shortened, but does this take away from the distance he needs to phase?
Are the phasing poses lame/unclear? Would holding one 'cool-in-action' pose be clear enough with how fast he moves? Does it even matter?
Ending pose needs more of a lead-in; perhaps from a squatting position.
Should he touch the sphere with his staff, or his hand.
Should the sphere immediately grow in size, or should it shrink in response to Tandel's approach (but grow before that)
Are there better alternative ways to display the phasing approach? Leave transparent afterimages of Tandel?
Definitely need to do some snazzy stuff with spinning/growing cogs and then big BOOM!
I'm still fleshing out Tandel's kit, however the GIF above should be his ultimate. Read below:
R - Lost Continuum
Active - Tandel sends his continuum orb to a target location. Area around target location immediately begins to slow, starting at 1%. Slow magnitude raises to 50% over 2 seconds. During these two seconds, Tandel can reactivate Lost Continuum.
Re-Active - Upon reactivation, Tandel phases forward towards his continuum orb. Upon arrival, he activates the orb and it explodes, creating an anomaly field. All allied and enemy champions within this field are stunned/frozen. Only enemy champions, however, take guaranteed 10% max health damage.
Switched up a couple things with Tandel's ult. Not sure if it was the right direction or not, but I think the timing feels a bit better. The ult is definitely lacking some "sparkle." A lot of people's ults are flashy and awesome to watch. This one feels a bit...simple... : (
Perhaps adding some cool "action" at the end to indicate the explosion will help...any ideas?
Anyhow, simplified the continuum sphere; will add a bit more to that later, but basically polish for this guy left. Lemme know what you think!
This looks really nice.. On suggesting for a more felt ultimate impact, instead of him going all the way through, maybe you could show him being affected by the actual impact of his magic attack and show him shifting direction (even a bit/ all the way would be better i think) after he releases it. Keep it up!
Roughed up another Tandel walk cycle. I was trying to go for something more casual, but seems like I ended up with something a bit less energy. Perhaps I need to push the spacing a bit to get it a little more peppy (but not as crazy as the first). I like how this would implement into a game a bit more, and I have a cute idea for an emote during the walk for this...hopefully this goes in the right direction.
Unfortunately I couldn't get the right speed for this GIF, even though I did for all my previous ones. The actual speed is slightly in between these two, xD
Ah; I figured out how to get my GIFs to work again, XD; hurray~
Here's an update on the Tandel cycle. I took the #1 cycle a bit further, adding a walking emote that gives a bit more personality! I personally prefer this cycle even though the "standard" walk is a bit more boring than the previous #2. It makes more sense to me from a gameplay perspective of having a cycle that's a bit more toned down...however, I added the extra emote flair to retain his playfulness. This is particularly observable from the LOL view.
Hi !
Great animations.
Just wanted to say that Gaghor's E : a Grave Gift remind me new Sion E : Roar of the Slayer.
[ame=""]New Sion - E Roar of the Slayer - YouTube[/ame]
The skills are kinda equivalent but Sion's one is faster.
Thought that maybe it could help or something xD
The creativity in that latest run cycle is certainly attention grabbing, love the timing too. As for the attack, hmm. Well, for how much momentum he puts into it, he feels pretty relaxed when he comes out of the explosion. Maybe he could roll out of the explosion into a more dynamic pose before returning to idle, or a more anticipated stop out of the dash? Def a tricky one, but it still looks good man. Awesome work.
@zigziglagirafe thanks! i'm definitely a lot happier with where it's at!
@soso yeah! that's sweet reference! I definitely think something more along those lines would really work better. Some combination of Sion + Mega Gnar mebbe? Thanks!
@jarvin88 ah! that's a wonderful idea! making Tandel seem more agile/flexible would definitely fit him as well as add more character. i may even change exactly how the ult works, but i will absolutely keep this in mind!
@Evanescfan funny that you mention that! I actually looked up Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians as some reference! Was looking for someone who could run/fly around really quickly with a light staff. do you think it reminds you of him too much? would changing the style be better?
I really like the character you created. Tandel, I think is his name. And the animations are pretty awesome. The ultimate is simple but the concept is cool. Great job! :thumbup:
Here's an revamped version of the attack/ult. I definitely feel a bit better with how it conforms to his character/personality a bit more than the previous one; though it may be less...flashy. : ( Definitely still in blocking+ phase though!
R - Lost Continuum
Active - Tandel summons a continuum and hops onto it. While this is active, Tandel gains drastic movement speed but cannot cast any other spells. Tandel can only maintain this form for a limited period of time.
Re-Active - Upon reactivation, Tandel unleashes his continuum orb forward. Upon arriving at the target location, the orb explodes, dealing damage, and casting CONFUSION on the enemy. Enemies affected by CONFUSION have all their commands reversed (aka command move left ends up moving the character right, vice versa, and etc.)
Down the home stretch and I'm COMPLETELY PANICKING. I was hoping to finish both Tandel and Gaghor, but with the deadline approaching and so many other things going on, I might have to only finish one. T^T I will try to finish both, but only after I finish Tandel, I think. Based on responses, people have responded to that one a bit more ^.^ Thanks again~
The end is nigh, but we still got some polish to do! I've modified the attack ending b/c it added more of the nimble/energy Tandel's supposed to have. It also feels a bit more impressive, even though it's simple geometry being scaled, xD.
Unfortunately, I feel like it's not as playful as I had intended...but what's done is done! Must move on! I still have some extra polish/posing to do at the beginning/end and making sure hands/legs/head move in the right arcs. Also need to attend to polishing my walk, but I'm glad we're almost done! Been super fun/exciting.
Had to finish now @5:30AM b/c I've got work tomorrow ALL DAY T^T. It's been one heck of a ride, full of lofty aspirations, broken ideas, and continuous learning. Definitely a couple more things I could do for extra polish...
And I still wish I added a bit more...cheeky character...but overall, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. You can see over the course of this thread how both the walk and attack changed drastically throughout! That's pretty exciting to see.
NOTE: GIF playback might be slow b/c of so many being on this page, xD
Welp. Goodnight, guys. Good luck to EVERYONE who is still cranking out their stuff.
Here with some BLOCKING+ of my walk cycle.
Here's some lame back story:
Once the graveyard keeper of the citizens of Piltover, [Champion Name] became disfigured after seeking the darkest of magics and most forbidden of rituals in order to revive his only daughter, all to no avail. [Champion Name] now carries her tombstone which possesses a lingering image of her soul.
Have some ideas for the skillset, but need time to flesh that out a bit more.
Q -
W -
E -
R -
Champion attacks by summoning tombstones and having souls affect the nearby area.
I like the general weight of the tombstone, try to offset it a bit with the up and down of his chest. Keep it up!
Want to see more!
Thanks to everyone for the comments/feedback thus far! Definitely helping me along! I feel like I finally got somewhere decent. I just realized the head flashing a bit as it comes up (darn it!) and the tail could use some work (stupid tails!), but it's generally near the end stages. Definitely will revisit in the future!
So here we go with a revisited kit!
Passive - Haunting Presence
Q - Defiling Visions
W - Another Burial
E - A Grave Gift
Active - Gaghor punches in front of him. If he is next to a tombstone from Another Burial, he will punch the tombstone away from him. If the tombstone collides with an enemy champion, they are stunned.
R - Rest in Peace
I will start working an attack soon (do you guys suggest any of the above attacks?, or perhaps alternative thoughts to the skillset?)
I've also set up another character that I'm toying around with. [Unknown name] is a Time Mage, similar to Zilean, but from future Piltover (he's got no face! :O). The guy is quite the immature prankster, however, and enjoys playing tricks on people.
Been working on the walk cycle for Tandel, the Space-Time Trickster:
Q -
W -
E -
R -
Definitely need to polish a couple things and push a bit of the sillhouettes, but I think I got a good start. Was definitely refreshing to work on after Gaghor. ^.^ Will also be adding some animation to the staff with all of its cogs. The teal orb in the middle will also do something cool, I hope xD.
Will proceed to do Gaghor's attack this weekend. Hopefully it goes well!
Trucking along~ Doodeedaaa~
I've some early blocking stages of what I'm looking at for both Gaghor and Tandel. There's tons of room for improvement for both! I feel like the overall 'idea' is there, but a lot like exact timings/movement choices can be changed. Here are some notes I'm thinking about, for those of you interested (watch out though; it's a bit longer than the normal post, xD):
Just as a refresher, here's the combo I was animating:
Active - Gaghor punches in front of him. If he is next to a tombstone from Another Burial, he will punch the tombstone away from him. If the tombstone collides with an enemy champion, they are stunned.
I'm actually thinking about changing his ultimate to a summoning of a massive graveyard that creates extra terrain and slows people, applying his passive stacks. Might be cooler...not sure. A normal punch seems pretty tame. xD
I'm still fleshing out Tandel's kit, however the GIF above should be his ultimate. Read below:
Re-Active - Upon reactivation, Tandel phases forward towards his continuum orb. Upon arrival, he activates the orb and it explodes, creating an anomaly field. All allied and enemy champions within this field are stunned/frozen. Only enemy champions, however, take guaranteed 10% max health damage.
Maybe make the pose a bit more snarky, open up the chest, have him look down on the guy before he blows the magic out.
Keep it up man, this new character is really grabbing my attention
Switched up a couple things with Tandel's ult. Not sure if it was the right direction or not, but I think the timing feels a bit better. The ult is definitely lacking some "sparkle." A lot of people's ults are flashy and awesome to watch. This one feels a bit...simple... : (
Perhaps adding some cool "action" at the end to indicate the explosion will help...any ideas?
Anyhow, simplified the continuum sphere; will add a bit more to that later, but basically polish for this guy left. Lemme know what you think!
Unfortunately I couldn't get the right speed for this GIF, even though I did for all my previous ones. The actual speed is slightly in between these two, xD
Do you guys like #1 or #2?
#1 is a normal kid jumping about~
#2 is some sort of creative wind/blizzard/time thingy mage~
Here's an update on the Tandel cycle. I took the #1 cycle a bit further, adding a walking emote that gives a bit more personality! I personally prefer this cycle even though the "standard" walk is a bit more boring than the previous #2. It makes more sense to me from a gameplay perspective of having a cycle that's a bit more toned down...however, I added the extra emote flair to retain his playfulness. This is particularly observable from the LOL view.
Great animations.
Just wanted to say that Gaghor's E : a Grave Gift remind me new Sion E : Roar of the Slayer.
The skills are kinda equivalent but Sion's one is faster.
Thought that maybe it could help or something xD
Good luck !
Kinda reminds me of Jack Frost.
@soso yeah! that's sweet reference! I definitely think something more along those lines would really work better. Some combination of Sion + Mega Gnar mebbe? Thanks!
@jarvin88 ah! that's a wonderful idea! making Tandel seem more agile/flexible would definitely fit him as well as add more character. i may even change exactly how the ult works, but i will absolutely keep this in mind!
@Evanescfan funny that you mention that! I actually looked up Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians as some reference! Was looking for someone who could run/fly around really quickly with a light staff. do you think it reminds you of him too much? would changing the style be better?
League of Legend champions already have a tendency to resemble popular characters
You are winning me over.
Here's an revamped version of the attack/ult. I definitely feel a bit better with how it conforms to his character/personality a bit more than the previous one; though it may be less...flashy. : ( Definitely still in blocking+ phase though!
Down the home stretch and I'm COMPLETELY PANICKING. I was hoping to finish both Tandel and Gaghor, but with the deadline approaching and so many other things going on, I might have to only finish one. T^T I will try to finish both, but only after I finish Tandel, I think. Based on responses, people have responded to that one a bit more ^.^ Thanks again~
Keep it up!
The end is nigh, but we still got some polish to do! I've modified the attack ending b/c it added more of the nimble/energy Tandel's supposed to have. It also feels a bit more impressive, even though it's simple geometry being scaled, xD.
Unfortunately, I feel like it's not as playful as I had intended...but what's done is done! Must move on! I still have some extra polish/posing to do at the beginning/end and making sure hands/legs/head move in the right arcs. Also need to attend to polishing my walk, but I'm glad we're almost done! Been super fun/exciting.
Had to finish now @5:30AM b/c I've got work tomorrow ALL DAY T^T. It's been one heck of a ride, full of lofty aspirations, broken ideas, and continuous learning. Definitely a couple more things I could do for extra polish...
And I still wish I added a bit more...cheeky character...but overall, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. You can see over the course of this thread how both the walk and attack changed drastically throughout! That's pretty exciting to see.
I think you've managed to make my favorite walk cycle of the competition, hands down.