Hi there!
This is going to be my entry for the Riot contest. Still untitled, but I thought this one could be a nice description for this image (if you have any suggestions or ideas for the title, they would be appreciated)

I started working on the characters, and the style will be something like this:

Critics will be welcome!
Hope you like it
Best of luck!
Oh, no! I'm still finishing my studies, I'm still not working XD But thank you so much for your kind words!
And thanks for all the comments too!
I kept working, but I had little time, so I could only finish Caitlyin's sketch:
(I based her skirt on the new splash art)
As always, critics will be welcome! ^^
I'm happy how Jinx looks but I think there's something wrong with Soraka, tho I don't know what
Critics will be appreciated! ^^
Soraka horn seems to be on the side and not in the center of her forehead.
P.S. Agree on what Odow said.
I'll fix it, thank you so much guys for telling me!!
Thank you so much for your kind words too! I'll do my best to finish this in time!
Also, another character done: Lee Sin
I had some problems with the tatoos. I couldn't see the tatoos on the splash arts and didn't really understand it when I saw some cosplay photographs
As always, don't be afraid of telling me if you see a mistake! ^0^
I wish you the best luck on this, because it is a really good idea.
Loving that Lee Sin, super fun pose.
I kept working this weekend and did a few characters:
Lulu, Varus and Ashe:
Leona and Braum:
Again, thank you so much for all the comments! Hope you like the new updates too ^^
Critics are always welcome!
Her face looks warped and boy-ish.
And her foot looks a bit weird as well. You might wanna check that again.
Overal nice work though.
Oh! Ok, I'll check that. I'm not very good at drawing very femenine girls, so that's gonna be a huge problem, but well... I should learn! xD Thank you so much for telling!
BTW, Soraka's horn is fixed ^^
Another update:
Sona, Ahri and Draven:
I'm not very happy with this one, but I think the main problem is that I need a reference of the background to draw them in the correct perspective
Aand Gnar and Rengar:
Again, thank you so so much for all the comments, they help me a lot and I really appreciate all the support! ^^
As always, critics are welcome!
On a positive note, the gnar and rengar drawing is amazing and so cute! Keep up the amazing work. It's so incredible.
Yeah, the problem with the group one is that they need color to understand what's really happening, mostly because the main silhouette is not clear (and more when the clothes and hair has a lot of details) It happened in the Annie-Zyra-Janna i'm submitting today too. So I'll try and fix Ahri's face and see if the group ones can be fixed with the color. If not, I will repeat the whole group ^^ Thanks for telling me!
Well, here you have Annie, Zyra and Janna:
And Sion and Riven coming out the screen:
Hope the color fix the problems you are telling me, but still I will try and see what I can do when all the lineart is finished!
Thank you so much for the comments and the critics! They are all welcome if you see things I can improve!
BTW, don't hesitate on telling me when a girl does not look femenine, because I know it's one of my weak points xD
Lux, Ezreal, Garen and Taric:
Ziggs: (ready to ks Jinx)
Thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate them ;_;
Critics are always welcome!
I'm alredy loving what you're doing, lil miss!! Cannot wait to see more, I'm sure it will be awesome
Thank you very very much for the comments, they are helping me a lot and making me do my very very best! ;_; Thank you!
Here you have the last characters:
and Kayle and Morgana:
And here's the lineart with all the characters:
I have to fix some things I've seen (like reducing Caitlyn who looks huge) and some details, but more or less, this is the final composition for the characters.
Again, thank you so much for all the support and critics will be welcome!
Also changing the canvas(if you are using photoshop) aspect ratio to to 1920 x 1080 [16:9] would give you some more room and would fit a persons desktop wallpaper nicer. I bumped up the height on the latest image you posted to 1080 and the weight is only 1615.
Keep up the great work!!
*Edit* I did a relay crude example to show the space you could play with. Vi is no longer about to take a bullet to the knee ^_^
Oh! You are totally right! I like your version! It's true, it has more breathing spaces. I probably was so used to the composition that I didn't consider making it bigger xD So thank you so much for telling!
I will re-arrange the characters and start with the background!
Thank you, really! It will help me a lot!!
And thanks to everyone for the kind words and support!!
As you can see, I'm quite lame at drawing backgrounds and that made me mad yesterday. Still, my teacher made some corrections, so I'm submitting the rough sketch so you can see the new composition and the background, tho I still have to work on it.
Please, if you see something I should change on the background or tip, do not hesitate on telling me, I know it's something I'm not good at and I know it's gonna have tons of mistakes xD
Thank you again for all the comments and support and critics will always be welcome!
I'm happy to say all the lineart is finished and the background was improved by all the tips and corrections I had! ^^ My teacher was of great help, checking all the characters and backgrounds ;A;
Now it's time to paint! *cries*
I honestly don't know if I would finish this on time, but I'm totally gonna try and do my best!
Thank you very very very much for all the comments, they cheer me up and make me work harder ^^
As always, critics are welcome!