Finally figured out where I'm going with this. Although I haven't played her much lately, Diana was my first main and my first love in League. Plus, you know, Halloween and such. So, Day of the Dead Diana!

First, initial concepts:

Still need to do concepts for her scythe, but I'm pretty happy with where this is going right now.
can have like an undershirt shot (like in the anime). or an overhead shot. but the thing with skirt is that you want to have it flying; not entirely, but just enough. also. she's wearing something underneath so you wont really see "it" anyways.
Anyway, with these I think I'm currently leaning towards 1, 3, and 4. 3 is my favourite, but I'm not sure if it's bright enough...
And, just for fun, here's an image of the current (and so far, only) file I'm working in. When concepting, I tend to keep everything on one ever expanding canvas (I think it's around 12,000 pixels right now >.>) Most of my reference is just on my other screen, but sometimes I pull stuff straight into the document.
The color scheme really suits Diana's personality, the others, not so much.
I also like outfit concept number 3 as well, the long dress is very beautiful, and it also suits her personality since it isn't too frilly or flower-y.
Looking forward to the illustration!
Thanks for all the great input guys... right now I'm stuck between deciding to tone it down to match her personality, or brighten it up to match the theme. Augh! >.<
Played around with that for a bit, then, since everyone liked it so much, did one with colour scheme #5... and I think you guys may be right. >.<
I swear one day soon I'll start the actual illustration. I just... I just love concepting. >.>
The 2nd and 3rd ones are perfect! The 2nd one more so, simply because there's a lot more contrast! Giving the floating skulls that glowy blue would also look wondrous.
I might suggest spicing her hair up a bit (currently it's a bit too similar to her original), maybe add some colorful strands, braids, curls, flowers, etc. (search up traditional mexican hairstyles might help)
Hope I helped ^^
(also, I agree on the hair crownedking - planning on working that in)
Been feeling pretty intimidated by all of the awesome and somehow flawlessly dynamic compositions I've been seeing here... by default I tend to gravitate towards designy, semi-abstracted compositions, so I did the vertical one below first. I do like it, but I know it's not quite Riot, so after some flailing, I managed to work out the latter, which actually has background and story and such. Diana is throwing a Crescent Strike (thought I might make it at Thresh, since I don't want to really detail the other character and he has a nice silhouette. Also, death guy.). The background will be decorated with flowers and candles and day of the dead stuff.
Thoughts? Full background images aren't something I get around to very often, but hopefully this will be a step in the right direction.
just an idea, by all means challenge yourself.. but oftentimes it is easier (and more convincing) when you play to your strengths and have fun- it will show~ leave the hardcore struggle to studies ^__^
looking good and good idea, thanks for your comment!
Thank you!
Can't wait to see the finished version!
Also, I quickly roughed in some hip flap.. things (technical term?), and flowers for her shoulders, since those are sort of Diana staples and I thought it'd help her silhouette be more recognizable.
Also, weapon!