Uhm.... LoL? Welp, kinda what I was expecting, but not quite what I was wishing. I wonder if they will have environment stuff too. Kinda doubt it, but it'd be the only reason I'd participate on this.
Uhm.... LoL? Welp, kinda what I was expecting, but not quite what I was wishing. I wonder if they will have environment stuff too. Kinda doubt it, but it'd be the only reason I'd participate on this.
Nice, I am very interested to see how the multiple categories are handled, and whether some of the stuff actually makes it into the game. Also, it would be cool if this is an indication of Riot opening up user generated content similar to Valve.
Question: this contest is intended to be for the sake of fanart, correct? We're not remaking assets in the game, that much is for sure. If that's the case, I'm a bit confused by the environment art category's subject matter. Seems rather.... specific. Almost like it is meant to be an asset in the game, and it's not nearly as open ended (I think) as the character section. Just wondering what the intent of this contest is, that's all.
It's possible I read it wrong, and I'm running on very little sleep.
ZacD Check the Q&A thread, but from my understanding, it's any of the above. Redesign if you want to (as long as it was made for the contest), or just use an existing skin/base design.
so for characters you are not supposed to redesign the way the character looks? eg go more photoreal with the sculpt or make them old and wise or a cyborg version etc.
it is really just recreating a base character thats already been designed...and then adding an outfit of your own design to that? thats the creative bit?
Ged, if you look at the skins for the champions, you'll notice that they go from a different outfit to full redesigns (sometimes not even the same race, age or even build). The only potential limit is that they still fit in withing the style of the universe (eg, still identifiable as a LoL character). That does potentially put a damper on doing a LoL character in a different style, but ask in the Q&A thread if you're really set on knowing for sure.
Yup very happy with polycount organising these competitions for us all!
Just before i disassemble, Thanks to both parties for the work into this!
-Just some speculation.
Seems odd for the environment artists needing "3" pieces.
Unless i've read it wrong, that's alot more than the others or at least a lot more to make it looking good.
-Create a high-poly and low-poly fully textured model of a unique Turret, Inhibitor and a Creep Den
Both the Turret and Inhibitor should show your ability to create hard surface models and textures
The Creep Den should be a small area that you would find some of the creeps on the map living. This should include rocks and bushes/trees.
The Turret and Inhibitor are to show you can work to a consistent style/design as they have done with the recent redesign riot are working on. Fair enough. You'll need some additional environment work for presentation, a bit more than a simple, (display stand, placard, mount - can't quite find the word) that character entries will stand on.
That goes with the Creep den two fold. I get we're not asked to make the creeps but without them it'll look a bit crap. Especially since the new environments are designed to match a particular creature.
For the prizes though seems a fair amount of work.
Should probably mention because this turned out to be a blocker for me - compo legalese states they get all rights to use the entries for Riot's commercial gain and for game promotion, some work contracts prohibit doing this for companies other than your employer, be sure to check so you don't get issues or have to step down later down the road!
Should probably mention because this turned out to be a blocker for me - compo legalese states they get all rights to use the entries for Riot's commercial gain and for game promotion, some work contracts prohibit doing this for companies other than your employer, be sure to check so you don't get issues or have to step down later down the road!
Whoaaa, that's kind of a big deal though. Holy crap.
Whoaaa, that's kind of a big deal though. Holy crap.
A very big issue.
From a personal point of view though, no files are handed over, regardless of the "terms" of the competition, unless i get paid. And this should be the attitude of EVERY person entering the competition.
I believe there was already an answer in the Q&A thread that specified none of the entries are going to be put in the game - they're not asking for source files.
I noticed that Riot will own all contest submissions at the end of this. It's reasonable for avoiding legal issues, but just wanted to make sure that if say, they wanted to use an amazing model as a new skin later on, that artist might be paid properly for his work (assuming he didn't win).
I don't ask this for my own work, I'm still learning, but every artist out there sees those shady as heck "art contests" that are just an excuse to farm free labor.
None of the work from this contest will go into our game. We are not asking for the actual source files. We have to put in terms like this to protect the company.
I wouldn't fret too much over the legal speak, it also says you can't "commercially" exploit or market your entry if you win (aren't all of our portfolios technically just marketing ourselves for commercial gain?), but nobody is going to participate and not use it in their portfolio - especially if they win. It's just there to cover their asses.
I'm not familiar at all with LoL, but really the fact that this isn't work for the game makes me think I'll try to participate over the next couple months if I can. Seems more like just a massive fanart contest, which I'm cool with.
Riot does reserve the right to use images of the contest winners in their marketing as well as potentially using parts or more of the designs shown in the models for their own stuff, which still makes it another commercial entity profiting even indirectly from your work. So that's still a no-no for me. Even if no actual model files are handed over the fact that the work is showing up in their marketing, promoting their game, makes it a contract breach for me.
All I have to say is THANK YOU for including animation in this one! I`m SO excited to finally be included in one of these contests!!! Thank you thank you thank you to all those involved in making this happen!
It better be about MLB, go Royals!
Maybe it's a Sims competition. That game seems like it could use a Penis Tank or two.
My body is flappy.
Sweet. I call Pittsburgh Steelers!
So. Pumped.
Nothing specific, just "days away" (as of two days ago).
So if it is a League contest, whats it gonna contain?
-Environment Assets
Seems pretty big with a lot of categories.....right?
Never know what that might mean for this competition!
Personal skins
Actually seem a fair bit of LoL (fan?/)art recently on polycount as well!
I sure as hell hope so! This is going to be radical!
Would really be nice to see contests that aren't focused on established franchises (or companies).
It's possible I read it wrong, and I'm running on very little sleep.
Good luck to everybody working on it, though!
Check the Q&A thread, but from my understanding, it's any of the above.
it is really just recreating a base character thats already been designed...and then adding an outfit of your own design to that? thats the creative bit?
Just before i disassemble, Thanks to both parties for the work into this!
-Just some speculation.
Seems odd for the environment artists needing "3" pieces.
Unless i've read it wrong, that's alot more than the others or at least a lot more to make it looking good.
The Turret and Inhibitor are to show you can work to a consistent style/design as they have done with the recent redesign riot are working on. Fair enough. You'll need some additional environment work for presentation, a bit more than a simple, (display stand, placard, mount - can't quite find the word) that character entries will stand on.
That goes with the Creep den two fold. I get we're not asked to make the creeps but without them it'll look a bit crap. Especially since the new environments are designed to match a particular creature.
For the prizes though seems a fair amount of work.
One thing, prizes per category or overall?
Do I win this thread?
Yup. You get a point
Are you unable to post?
Whoaaa, that's kind of a big deal though. Holy crap.
A very big issue.
From a personal point of view though, no files are handed over, regardless of the "terms" of the competition, unless i get paid. And this should be the attitude of EVERY person entering the competition.
I wouldn't fret too much over the legal speak, it also says you can't "commercially" exploit or market your entry if you win (aren't all of our portfolios technically just marketing ourselves for commercial gain?), but nobody is going to participate and not use it in their portfolio - especially if they win. It's just there to cover their asses.
I'm not familiar at all with LoL, but really the fact that this isn't work for the game makes me think I'll try to participate over the next couple months if I can. Seems more like just a massive fanart contest, which I'm cool with.