i am having trouble getting an object that has 360 degree faces its all just from one angle even when i use a turntable. Does anyone know where I'm going wrong
i am having trouble getting an object that has 360 degree faces its all just from one angle even when i use a turntable. Does anyone know where I'm going wrong
Hi, don't use a turn table, keep the object still and go around the object.
"This session will look at traditional scene capture through images and the ability to, for the first time, add depth and context to images and applying them in VR + Feed"
Hi, thank you everyone for sharing work and wisdom! I'm doing some research into photogrammetry and this thread has been invaluable. I wanted to share my first successful test: Using 3DF Zephyr Free which limits you to 50 images. Came out at 500k pts in Zbrush. It will definitely need some cleanup, but I'm pretty happy with the result. This was my third attempt with this particular subject, and the key was to use tripod, shutter release and a DIY flash diffuser to even out the lighting.
I'm going to be running the same set of photos through Photoscan and Recap later this week for comparison.
I would be interested in a well done set of benchmarks between reality capture and 3df zephyr. I know unusable slow for my workflow, but I haven't had a chance to test 3df Zephyr.
I'm currently looking into producing a rig and have watched this thread (and others) for a while now. Does anyone have any links or advice they can provide on camera and camera suggestions? I'm looking at low-mid range cameras as I expect to need about 8...
Unfortunately non of photogrammety software is able to just bake height/depth map for imported low res model . Thus you have to generate crazy sized meshes of hundreds of millions ( for nice detailed normal maps) , then wait forever to decimate them , then export/import to very few bakers that wouldn't hang with even decimated to 30-40mil meshes. Combined it takes long hours of dull routine that makes workflow extremely inefficient.
I wish somebody would find a way to generate height pixels in texture tangent space instead of usual point clouds.
Wow, it;s amazing. I always got kind of softy result when tried to do same before. People usually build expensive multi camera rigs for such scans.
Is it a quality you get regularly with a single camera approach or it's just one happened to be such crisp due to tremendous model ability to stay still?
Wow, it;s amazing. I always got kind of softy result when tried to do same before. People usually build expensive multi camera rigs for such scans.
Is it a quality you get regularly with a single camera approach or it's just one happened to be such crisp due to tremendous model ability to stay still?
Staying still helps with the overall scan. I also stayed within a small radius when taking pictures and with a high shutter speed, that will contribute to getting crisper pictures.
I made this model few years ago. It is about 2500 photos each 50mpx. Canon 5DSr + Sigma 24mm art lens. It looks pretty good in VR but in following in link you can explore it with web browser. It works also with mobile phone or tablet
I made this model few years ago. It is about 2500 photos each 50mpx. Canon 5DSr + Sigma 24mm art lens. It looks pretty good in VR but in following in link you can explore it with web browser. It works also with mobile phone or tablet
Just gave Meshroom and Alice vision a quick try on the way back from dropping the kids off from school. For a free bit of software its super cool and very easy to use. I needed some pot holes for a project.
Does anyone experience sudden power off while using Reality capture?
It usually happens during depth maps calculation by video card.
Before it worked just fine but after some update I coudn't finish a single model reconstruction . My videocard GF980ti doesn't even seems overheating .
I just posted up the photogrammetry results over on my Sketchbook Thread. not bad for a quick drive around my home town in Hertford, I can now right a letter to my MP to get them fixed
Just a tip someone kindly shared over on BA to check out this guy's stuff, when I expressed an interest in 3D scanning methods as a beginner which this one in particular, made my socks roll up and down of their own accord no less 👍️
I watched this report on the BBC this morning, very cool. It was made by Alchemy Immersive. It must have been some work to compile all this data. They took more than 700,000 images from every angle, creating an exact 3D reconstruction.
Very impressive! I'd like to know how they dealt with all the atmospheric (uh fluid..?) effects in the scan. Is it just enough to treat the water as a uniform volume? The photos i've seen of the Titanic wreck have been very murky and hazy which I feel wouldn't play particularly well with any kind of scanning. I'm surprised at how vibrant the colours are.
Star Wars: Battlefront and the Art of Photogrammetry
Photogrammetry and Unreal Engine 4 with Trendt Boe
Creating Natural 3D Environments with Alex Alvarez
How to create a digital copy of dinosaur fossils
3D scans help preserve historical sites
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/technology-43797836/google-s-3d-scans-aim-to-preserve-historical-sites"This session will look at traditional scene capture through images and the ability to, for the first time, add depth and context to images and applying them in VR + Feed"
Here are some results from an old graduate - Miguel Santana
Using 3DF Zephyr Free which limits you to 50 images. Came out at 500k pts in Zbrush. It will definitely need some cleanup, but I'm pretty happy with the result. This was my third attempt with this particular subject, and the key was to use tripod, shutter release and a DIY flash diffuser to even out the lighting.
I'm going to be running the same set of photos through Photoscan and Recap later this week for comparison.
Memories of Australia
Created by just one artist using their own photogrammetry scans.One camera? cool. Have you had to fix the person with some kind of 19 century frame for long exposures. Ask him to stop breathing or something?
Studio Tommi Toija
Open source, free and sponsored by Unreal.
I have switched over to this and its great.
Resident Evil 7: The Use of Photogrammetry for VR
Great links @littleclaude thanks!
I just posted up the photogrammetry results over on my Sketchbook Thread. not bad for a quick drive around my home town in Hertford, I can now right a letter to my MP to get them fixed
Reality Scan & Reality Capture
Mitsuba 3
This new NerF thing looks interesting.
Face scan to Metahuman in the UE5 games engine, crazy how simple these tools are these days.
Just a tip someone kindly shared over on BA to check out this guy's stuff, when I expressed an interest in 3D scanning methods as a beginner which this one in particular, made my socks roll up and down of their own accord no less 👍️
Pathé 3D Scanning, processing and automatic milling in 1939. Applogies for a FB post but I can not find it on YouTube?
One of my students worked from a messy scan, cleaned it up and ended up with a great result.
Here is the article from the BBC - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-65602182