Hey guys, I was hoping you could help me out with something. Currently I'm learning Modo for my personal work while at my workplace we use C4D. I was wondering if there was a way to duplicate a premade geometry piece along a spline in Modo like my example from C4D. My intention is to use this method for straps and belts for characters.
First of all, let me show you my setup in my C4D file.

As you can see I have the original piece of geometry and the spline that I want to duplicate along. I also have a rail spline in there so that I can have it twist any direction it needs as it duplicates along the spline. In my setup I also use a connect object that merges the points of the duplicates to make one solid piece. Last and most importantly I use the spline wrap to duplicate along the spline and set the orientation of the piece of geometry so it lines up correctly.
The results:

then weld verts and all that together.
the link doesn't work unfortunately
I can't get it to work on 801.
This isn't really useful because the way things are structured in Modo it's doable with a profile and such without any problem. Most people wouldn't ask for something like this.
But for the Modo legacy, it's important to have your flag at the peek of the mountain.
I still don't think you understand what I'm trying to do unless there's a lot more to profiles that I didn't know about. I find being able to duplicate a more complex piece of geometry along a spline rather than having to add that detail into the geometry after its been extruded very useful.
Thanks for the answers guys. Its always nice to see what workflows will carry over when switching to a new program.