Hi, my name is Wright. :poly127: Ugh, I messed that intro up.
Anywho, I need some help integrating my Midi to VST workflow into
FL studio. I've tried looking at Youtube Videos and Fl-studio's help files.
And to my understanding, I only get mentions of adjusting ports and what not.
Could anyone be so kind as to explain the process to me step by step?
I really want to get on the music scene. My workflow before was with
NWC demo and Synthfont. using Vsts through buses and soundfonts. :poly136:
Thank you kindly. :poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142::poly142:::poly141:
What have I done?
also if its a effects vst you cant feed midi directly into it, you would have to make a midi track, than put a vst instrument that excepts midi as input first, than put your insert effect in after.