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3DS Max to CNC? -need help


My employer requested that I build a robot to scale in 3DS max.


The design has been built around the idea of cutting and bending shapes out of a sheet of thermal plastic. We are using ViaCAD as our CAD software in the office. I can easily import 3D files from one software to another via the .obj extension.

We are looking for a way to take these custom shapes from 3DS Max (in red), and flatten the shapes so that we can get them cut by CNC.

Any help is appreciated.


  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    You might want to give Pepakura a shot, it unfolds models for papercraft, and it's a cheap solution.

    In this thread, it's basically the same concept but with bending foam sheets, but there's a loss of precision if that's important to your project. The basic idea is that they don't cut explicitly along the lines of a low poly model (like in your screen), but visualize the curves and shapes for a higher one without doing the extra 3d work for the rounded shapes.
  • KyFer
    Thanks, Throttlekitty

    I showed Pepakura to my boss. It looks like it will be the solution that we will use.
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