Hi Guys, After being incredibly hyped for Warlords of Draenor I decided to do a Draenei inspired prop. Its gone through a few iterations, but im at a point where I am ready to show it : ) If anyone has some critique/feedback I would love to hear it
thank you!
Dumb comment aside, I likey very much.
You could build a little scene with more draenei props!
@felipealves I actually thought about doing that, just havnt figured out what I could do next
I feel like there are some things that can be done to improve the texture and overall readability though.
If you desaturated your renders, it looks like all of your values are very similar across the board. It would help the readability and focus if you separate your values based off of the material. For example, your gems being brighter and the stone being darker.
I like the gems that you have going along the top and on the upper side of the prop. It feels very Draenei to me. I feel like the one on the middle of the sides feels less Draenei and could be taken out. Would be cool if the whole bottom half was that smooth stone instead. It will feel more like a barrel and less like a ritual urn. It will also help bring focus to the area that has concentrated gems(the top) rather than gems being evenly distributed across the prop.
Overall it looks like a fun prop, hope this helps and good work!
I appreciate the advice thank you!