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anatomy improvement thread

rbong obong
polycounter lvl 8
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rbong obong polycounter lvl 8
a few weeks ago i completed my first ever game ready character rigged and all, but the character i made was fantastic in my eyes as it was my first but as the first piece to be in my portfolio it falls short that's why i want to work on my anatomy and if this turns out good it can be used as a base for future projects. crits welcome and just ask if you want to see a different angle.this was just retopologised from another sculpt i made.



  • harry1511
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    harry1511 polycounter lvl 5
    It looks...pretty generic. Of course, it is fine if you use this as a base for other projects, in which you will further define the anatomy. If you want to take this as a study, there is one this that jumps out right away for is the abs muscle is too symmetrical, add in some asymmetry. The insertion of your vastus medialis is a bit too high.

    If it's possible, I would recommend watching Scott Eatons' Anatomy for Artist, as well as his digital figure sculpture.
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