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mel script source issue in maya

was trying to install mirrorme.mel script in maya. http://www.cedric3d.com/dl/MirrorMe.mel

but source mirrorMe.mel gives me error that no file can be found. I had 3 script subfolders (one under maya folder, another under maya--->2015-x64 folder, third under maya--->2015-x64--->prefs ) all under library--->prefrences--->autodesk---->maya folder in my imac, so placed the mel script in all three to test it. Was still unsuccessful. If i loaded the script scource manually under script editor, it would load, and i would be fine until i open maya again next time, where i have to source it all over again. Permissions on all folder are read/write.

Wasted a lot of time already on this when i should be modeling. Pls advise.
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