Hey guys,
I am using the
MAYA GRADIENT MAP TOOL thats been posted. But iam not sure how to properly use them.
I can get the script to work but I am not sure how to use this script properly in conjunction with Suite.
The tutorial on the wiki for the sci-fi helment shows the gradient map appears to be colored.
So how are we supposed to properly use the Gradient map tool for NDO needs? I thought they had to be colored?
When you run the script you're prompted with a dialogue asking you which direction you want, and then it asks you to run the script again. Once you've done that it'll save out that direction's gradient to your maya project folder.
Repeat this step for all 3 maps and make sure you rename each map once it's been generated so they won't be overwritten.
The next step is to open them up in Photoshop. Then create a new document with a black background, copy the X gradient, paste it in the R channel of the new document, the Y gradient in the G channel and the Z gradient in the B channel.
Hope this helps!
Works great. I Really appreciate it.
Forgive me if I'm missing something but that Max script doesn't do the same as the koddeCreateRampMap script for Maya. I'm able to use the Gradient Map Tool just fine but don't get any dialog or options to bake for X, Y, Z.
Preparing to apply face to palm!
Thank you,
You'll need to have the geometry and ramp shader selected.
Is there a way to create the awesome colored Gradient map by using the GradientMapTool in 3ds Max and then applying Wiktor's PS technique? My apologies for my newbness.
Thank you,
derps on me, please have one. (i don't want them)
It looks like that tool only handles the Y axis, so you'd need to rotate the model to bake out X and Z gradients, then composite them in Photoshop.
Alternatively, you can duplicate the model or create extra uv sets for things like in this thread. I think the full-model planar map + ramp shader option is the best of those.
Thank you,