Hi guys. I've just downloaded Quixel Suite.
First I've tried to do some tests and the result wasnt good like what i have seen in the youtube tutorials. It looks like there were some problems in masking. Im not sure. I dont know photoshop that much.
I have uploaded a maps (Colormap,AO, cavity, diffuse ) which i baked in Xnormal (Here you can see what the maps look like. )

Here is the resulted baked map, you can see in the Screenshot below. I firstly used, military metal and the output wasnt good. Then i tried to used another smart material which is painted concrete and the result is stil lthe same

I followed all the intsructions correctly, in the youtube tutorials.
here is the list of the maps included above.
height map, ambient occlusion map, curvature map, cavity map.
Here i made a test in Quixel suite. The result still the same.
With this problem, i jsut found out that i can only use a few materials in Quixel which is the green metal etc. for
Another work around is to create an empty group and pick your Mat ID for that empty group and drag your materials in there.
Sorry I dont have image I hope that makes sense.
I cant find the Preset " ID " .
And i dont know how to pick the MAT ID into the group. sorry!!
Hmm can you please make a screenshoit if possible? I dont usually know all the tools in Photoshop. Please.!
Oh wait...I think I see the problem now. I didnt notice this before but you didnt assign any of those Materials to an ID.
To the right of each material in the dDo UI is a tiny square. Click that and pick your color form your iD map.
Does that do the trick?
The problem is Some smart materials are doing okay, but only few materials only, like the dirty green metals etc. but the rest is not working.
In the previous post where you show the screen grab that features the 3 materials "Dirty Grey Metal", "Battle Armor", and "Scratched Metal" none of those materials have an ID assignment which is why they are flooding the document.
What you need to do is go in and say this smart material I just made belongs to this Mat ID color. Lets say for example you make "Dirty Grey Metal" Smart Material. Once you make that you need to assign an ID color.
In the right side of the floating UI for each Material made you need to click the little square and assign a material ID color.
Hope this is helping!
Hmm i jst followed your instructions and its getting there. The problem now is the masking i think? Here a screenshot of the new material settings.
What do you mean the problem now is the masking? I am not following because now to me it is working, the materials are separated.
Also are you saying its supposed to be red because the little material ID square is red or you set your albedo color to actually be red?
What i meant is the albedo should've been red(default). Red Concrete material.
Thank you so much man!!!
Those maps help dDo when assessing where damage and wear goes.
What did your curvature map look like? Did you bake it from xNormal or nDo?
i baked it in zbrush first for some tests. and it didnt work, then i baked it again in xnormal and it has same result.
here ' is the render i did, textures was made in dDO, and added some scratches in photoshop.
I will final composite it again in photoshop. thanks gain man!
Look forward to your next updates :-)