Hey everyone, I have this sword model:

I want to UV map the object so that I only have to texture 1 side of it. How would I go about mirroring the UV's?
When I UV map the hand guard, I will only be mapping one of them and just duplicating it in the final model.
If I were to uv map this now, I would end up with 2 sides of sword, I want to make it so that I only have 1 side, but it applies to both faces of the sword, the same for the rest of the pieces.
You can and you can't, the way you planned this asset there is no edge in the middle, so you technically can't truly mirror it. But you can grossly UV and texture both sides but not as a true mirror.
You could simply "unwrap" it.
There are always exceptions to the rules. But thats how I do it for all simple props.
That sword you've modeled is actually able to be mirrored, you would just have to mirror it front and back, not down the middle. I made this quick tutorial of how I would do it:
Mirroring saves UV space and usually paints faster, but it can be really obvious sometimes when painting details. Might wanna reconsider. Nowadays I only mirror UV's if the mirror seam isn't very visible or if it saves me loads of UV space.