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Corrupt File 3dsmax

Red Deliallisi
polycounter lvl 3
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Red Deliallisi polycounter lvl 3

What the hell is happening to my Max files ? Sorry but im very worried cuz it just deleted 1 month of hard work. It was an interior scene with 2 milion polys.

It starts today when i try to open the file and it says Fail to open.
Then I open an older save, redo the work i lost and when i try to save, it says "possibly file corrupt".

Im using 3dsmax 2012. Does anyone know what the hell this is ?


  • Steppenwolf
    Offline / Send Message
    Steppenwolf polycounter lvl 15
    Is your max version 32 bit? Ther's a certain point where scenes get too complex for that because you run out of memory.

    One thing you can try is make a new file and import from your old file.
  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Are you using symmetry modifiers ? I noticed problems mixing them with open subobject selections mid stack - it started non 2008 and I still saw it occasionally on 2012.

    even if you aren't try collapsing your stacks before saving and don't leave subobject selections open.

    otherwise I'd try saving your objects out into new scenes - there could be some crap lying around in the main scene that's upsetting it.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Try uploading it somewhere and posting it here. We can try to open it and see if it's an issue with the file or your system.
  • Envart
    Offline / Send Message
    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    Not what you want to hear right now, but keeping multiple saves can help in this situation. Also turning off any active turbo smooths can keep the memory requirements down when loading and saving scenes.

    Sorry about losing the work :(
  • Red Deliallisi
    Offline / Send Message
    Red Deliallisi polycounter lvl 3
    Hello guys.
    I managed to recover the file. Here is how i did it and what caused it if you want to know for yourselves maybe.

    In my autoback folder of 3dsmax (my documents) there was a MaxBack.bak file. I never thought that would be the file... I changed .bak to .max and now i have my scene back :DDDD

    Also the reason why that happened was a sudden computer crash and manual shut down after that.

    Thanks anyway for commenting and ill keep turbosmooth down while working, i dont know why i havent thought of that first,ty for the tip Jon W
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