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Blood's Art Portfolio

polycounter lvl 4
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Bloodstability polycounter lvl 4
Hello polycounters! I've recently graduated with a graphic design degree but I'm looking to find my place in the 3D industry so over the last year or so I'v been teaching myself how to use Maya and Zbrush and all that good stuff.

I got inspired by an upcoming indie title Carmageddon Reincarnation and decided to practice my car design and modeling skills I've learned thus far by translating said designs 3D (since the developers are very pro-modding I am looking to put these cars in the game as mods when the tools are available)





  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    could you explain more about the subjects ?

    Are the designs all from you ? What are the references ?

    If those are your concepts, there are some really sweet ideas, but on other places its lacking detail to come over authentic, and the textures need alot of work

    And you did partially bake them and partially not ?
  • Bloodstability
    Offline / Send Message
    Bloodstability polycounter lvl 4
    Sure, the Eagle is a mish mash of the past designs, the front in particular being based on an early kiskstarter video artwork.

    The con-CERN is based on a fellow Carmageddon forumers artwork:

    As well as the blueprints and concepts he gave me :

    Metal Madness is really just something i had bubbling in my head, I wanted to create a rolling roadblock of sorts, one that was also jet powered and in which the driver plugged himself directly into the vehicle (hence the lack of steering/controls)

    All the textures are baked :)

    Could you elaborate which aspect of the textures need work so I can go back and make them better?
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