Hey guys...new problem with Maya Go to Zbrush button...I have no problem when i want to export a model into Zbrush...but when I want to export a model from Zbrush to Maya, Maya oppens and no model inside..help? :poly118:
Sometimes i get this error:
Loading GoZ support...done!
file -f -new;
// Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/scripts/startup/rememberViewportSettings.mel line 43: Active stereo does not work with Aero enabled. Active stereo has been disabled. //
// untitled //
// Error: file: C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\Maya\GoZBrushToMaya.mel line 113: Plug-in, "Mayatomr", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH. //
commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault;
// AbcExport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.0 (built Jul 25 2013 11:21:20)
// AbcImport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.0 (built Jul 25 2013 11:21:20)
// Error: file: C:/Users/Public/Pixologic/GoZApps/Maya/GoZBrushToMaya.mel line 113: Plug-in, "Mayatomr", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH. //
// Error: file: C:/Users/Public/Pixologic/GoZApps/Maya/GoZBrushToMaya.mel line 113: Plug-in, "Mayatomr", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH. //
Just a couple stabs in the dark, but if this is a recent problem, have you reinstalled or moved Maya or zbrush anytime recently? (ie moving them from the C drive or something like that?) If it is, maybe try reinstalling the program?
Other than that, it looks like the main issue is you need to make sure you have Mayatomr plugin installed where the GoZ script knows where to look. Do you have the script installed (I read somewhere that it sometimes isn't)?
Good luck, and hope this helps!
Did you -in ZB- reinstall GoZ? If not, shut down Maya before you do so and try again.
Good Luck!
@dr grim,Yes , I have Maya 2015, and nope..just a clean install...there's nothing into that Maya.env file in Documents..also, nothing in the scripts folder!
And then also once maya 2016 is started check Windows > Settings / Prefs > Plugins and make sure Mayatoml is loaded + auto loaded then it works again.
Kinda mad at myself for missing that haha.
Thanks Dude ! Really appreciate the link.
Thanks so much !
finnaly solved problem Mental Ray makes all worth, dont need reinstall Maya or GOZ just install mental Ray then GOZ
""Another workaround if you don't want to install mentalray is to find this "Mayatomr" and quote corresponding lines
// GoZBrushToMaya requires Mental Ray plugin.
//if (`pluginInfo -query -loaded -name "Mayatomr"`==0)
// loadPlugin "Mayatomr" ;
// //setCurrentRenderer mentalRay;
in this file C :Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\Maya\GoZBrushToMaya.mel""
Please help , GOz from zbrush to maya not working .Keep getting this error from mentl Ray . I don't have it installed because mental ray is obsolete to me , moved on to arnold . Why do i need mental ray for GOZ any ways?
You don't need Mental Ray. Just comment out the lines in the post above yours and it should work. You could also try submitting a ticket at https://support.pixologic.com to let them know its broken since Maya no longer has to install Mental Ray with it.
EDIT: Ok solved, so if anyone else encounters this problem, I just forced Goz reinstall in Zbrush under Preferences
go to maya>windows>settings/preferences>preferences>Plug-in manager
check on loaded and auto load.
now both Maya 2016 to Zbrush and Zbrush to Maya 2016 works fine.
its as easy as this:
go to the file:
and remove or comment out the lines 132-138:
132 // // ------------------------------------------
133 // // GoZBrushToMaya requires Mental Ray plugin.
134 // if (`pluginInfo -query -loaded -name "Mayatomr"`==0)
135 // {
136 // loadPlugin "Mayatomr" ;
137 // //setCurrentRenderer mentalRay;
138 // }
Save and try again... that's it.
Turns out mental ray is not really needed!
Cheers - have fun!
Thank you!
i have been trying to remove the "GoZ Maya Event Receiver Window" but no success anyone that wanted to do the same? and that accomplished it?.
the code seams to be in GoZScript.mel file but if i delete it zbrush will start opening maya everytime Zbrush try's to send it to maya, i just find that i dont need that window there its annoying at some point