I've just created a tiling texture on the canvas and am trying to get a good normal map. I just used the simple brush and drug the normal material over everything but I can't seem to get a good map that isn't aliased to hell. Even with render/ best it's still pretty gnarly. Is there a setting I'm overlooking?
In older versions of ZB I would get a problem where white spots would appear on a BPR using the NormalRGBMat. If that's what's going on then (IIRC) going to Preferences > Performance and turning off MultiDraw should fix it.
If you haven't looked into it, you can resize the document size. It's usually at like 1200x800 pixels or somewhere around there (depending on monitor size). You could set it higher if you're doing a grab-doc.
Did you also turn on shadows when doing a BPR?