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(Animation) Max->Maya rigging general question

polycounter lvl 10
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Nixellion polycounter lvl 10
Hello, polycount.

I'm a a 3d generalist and character animator, and I'm at a point at which I finally decided to move from Max to Maya at least for character animation work.

I primarily worked with CAT in max, customising it a bit if needed. I'm familiar with custom rigging as well.

The main thing for me is to make max->maya transition as smooth as possible, so i'm trying to gather as much information as I can before I finally do it.

So, actually I have just a few questions, mostly related to CAT-pipeline purpose tools.

0. What approach should I use for rigging? Custom? Scripts? Plugins? HumanIK is cool, but it is only for bipedal characters, and I don't like how it works with graph editor... too much curves :D I have a digital tutors subscription and watching rigging tutorials, learning path, but I feel like some things could be done better... What tutorial\course would you recommend? I'm familiar with basics of Maya rigging, setting up basic IK, parenting, constraints, controls, custom attributes.

1. Is there a way to export\import animation for a rig?

2. Is there a way to mirror pose\animation? Yep, my pipeline is not stable, and there was a task to mirror all character animations O_O of course it was for a game, so I could not just use Max's mirror. This is where CAT's mirror tool came really handy.

3. I know you can use HumanIK to retarget animations on a control rig, that sounds awesoma. But is it really so?

Or is max juts better if a pipeline is not solid?

I really hope for your help, thanks!


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