I am currently trying to tackle Modo, And figured I'd have a lot of questions and would like to try and keep it all in one place to make it easy.
SO First question,
I'd like to get "bolts" *Spheres embedded in the mesh* around the cannon. Would there be a function that lets me easily create or replicate the mesh into all these positions? Or should I just copy and paste it over and over?
I was thinking the Clone Curve.. Read the inline help..I think I am missing something. Will take a look at it in the morning, but leaving this here for tonight! Thanks in advance if anyone knows~

Easiest way would be if you selected the loop around which you want to duplicate items, and align the workplane to that selection (workplane dropdown menu).
Is there no preview button for most of these functions/modifiers? Applying and then ctrl+z is a lot more tedious to preview than just sliding it around and seeing the results in real time. (Though the tools are wicked cool :P)
Next question! Is there a "Make Symmetrical" button, this part is symmetrical but the other side is missing this piece. (Blender has this function, but I can't find it in modo) All I find online is that modo has symmetry, and you need to make sure things are perfectly symmetrical before activating, So hrms..
Or would it be best to upright it, delete half, mirror it and rotate it into position again
Working on figuring out what modo does do and doesn't, Adding new tools to my workflow and taking away a lot of my old ones
Very handy tool kit :poly121:
you can start here
some of scripts are coming with easy drag'n'drop style installer. For example a must use script for all game artists:
yeah, take your time and take a grip at the existing tools, then scripts.
Also worth to bookmark are three Github Gists, made by:
- Matt Cox
- Lukasz Pazera
- James O'Hare - known also under alias "Farfarer"
You can get really nice code examples to study on each of those links.
@igi Woah.. Some of these scripts sound crazy. I've got it bookmarked for the moment I get comfortable with modo. My muscle memory still wants to fight me with navigation
@mantragora I start my computer science courses this coming semester, So I will be considering writing up my own code~ Thank you for that info.
Well radial array should be in real time once you click to activate the tool. So you'll have the mesh you want to duplicate active, select the Radial Array tool, and click in the viewport to make it active. Then as you increase/decrease the number of duplicates you should see it update in the viewport. I'm guessing you didn't activate the tool first and were just typing numbers into the input fields and hitting apply?
Also if you want a particular tool to automatically activate without clicking, go to the pipeline tab under Lists, first select the respective tool and right click on the name of the tool and select 'auto-activate'. There are some other options too, for example 'select trough' gives you ability to select polys without dropping the tool, might come in handy in some cases.
Also works as a hot-key so you can hold it down and it'll enable, select stuff, then let go and it'll disable.
Getting more and more familiar with modeling!
While theres right click and draw selection (Along with all the loop select tools. L , up arrow and shift up for expand ) is there any box selects or anything im missing?
ETA: Just wondering, I can't find any additional things in the in-line help
right click everywhere - lasso style
I've mapped it to a pie menu.
Found it.
RIght click> lasso style
I select a ring of edges and use extrude, and drag down..However..they don't extrude nor drag down?
ETA: Found it as well, Can't extrude an edge but can extend it..
Okay then.