Hey guys,
So I am working with a client that is using Away3d for their game.
I have imported some models into Away Builder and noticed that wherever I have edgebreaks (according to UV islands) I have some significant seams on the model.
It renders just fine in Maya (high quality and viewport 2.0).
So I was wondering if anyway knew what tangent basis Away3d is synced with.
Or if anyone has experience with Away3d, what did you do to get acceptable results?
I would have posted a screenshot to illustrate my problem, however I am under NDA. It really looks like it's simply a tangent basis that is not synced with my baker.
I ended simply getting rid of most of the hard edges I had put on the model and any other manually edited vertex normals. And used the .obj ex/imported instead.
There are still some seams on the model, but they are pretty subtle. So in the end I decided not to worry about them too much. The final model is acceptable.
Thanks for the help though.