hey everyone
I'm currently trying to make a sorta realistic face and im wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on f. ex the landmarks, and..just...everything im doing wrong.

heres the face so far. Im currently working on details, but i have a feeling i might need to do something about the base shape?
heres 3/4th view

and im not using reference for the general face, other than having tried building it over a skeletal head.


update 2 - details:


hey all.
i get that in the previous update it was a bit hard to see the added detail.
And now, im playing around with Spotlight texturing. Not very experienced with this...So here's a small update.


Finished product:



- Don't use black as background, it makes it harder to read some parts.
- Screenshots from multiple angles would be better.
About the sculpt:
- The forehead seems to be tapering a little too fast as it goes up.
- Chin needs some smoother forms.
- Forms created by the cheekbone need to be less edgy.
- I'd try to make the mouth a little broader to see if it works better.
Not bad, good luck!
heres the face so far. Im currently working on details, but i have a feeling i might need to do something about the base shape?
EDIT: Also, check out this skull to see what may be wrong with your cheekbones:
really nice drawing EmAr. It really helped getting me some perspective on this.
heres an update.... though. maybe i did too much? o.O
ive been working on the details of the face, and heres the result so far. Though i realize such details of skin might be a bit hard to see.
and i wouldve put it on something else than a black background, but after a few quick attempts, i didnt get it to show on the render you take out.
and this is the picture i used to get my details from, as well as sort of a reference to my model(though way after i started it). So that may be one of the reasons you found it androgynous, drysider. As the person depicted used to be a woman.
thank you so much for all your criticism, i hope y'all find more shit for me to fix:D
i get that in the previous update it was a bit hard to see the added detail.
And now, im playing around with Spotlight texturing. Not very experienced with this...So here's a small update.
Your face is looking good. Some things on the spotlight texture that you might want to change are the ears and the eyes. On the ears some of the hair image overlapped on top, and the ear texture extends a little past the ear into the hair. As for the eyes, the whites might be too bright and the iris could be a just a little bigger with more contrast from the pupil.
But other that that it looks nice! :thumbup:
though honestly. the reason i still havent done anything about the black background is cause ive tried changing the background with several methods, but it never appears on render o.O
if someone could point me to that, i will do something about it immmeeeeediately;)
and @air:
yeah. i totally agree to the eyes part. will fix that in a jiffy
ive been thinking of adding a body to my sculpt and make a full character. but i am sort of confused as to the order of things.
Cause ive been polypainting and detailing and all that, is it still possible to add a body to my head?
and if so. what would be the best way to preserve my polypaint and details?
after i chose to add a body, i faced a lot of issues; hence the late update..and ive been a bit lazy..:S
anyway. i wasnt happy with the projected texture, so i decided to learn how to polypaint a face, and this is the result:
harsh critizism wanted;)
id love any comments, especially if anyone have any tips to making the skin more realistic.
if you want the face really realistic its kinda lot of work...
look at this 3d portrait i found theres a lot going on
small spots, more reds on the nose... how the pores are differently intense around the face
i will however try my best, working with my texture maps, to get a little more of that detail in. And youre absolutely right about the blue tones. just gotta experiment with the maps to see where it goes:P
and beard ive been testing with 3ds max hair and fur, along with the eyebrows and hair.
thank you so much for the feedback
You should probably turn off the symmetry mode on your brush when you feel you've got the base forms down and sculpt in asymmetrical details; it will do wonders for realism.
I really suggest that you do the following: Get an orthographic screenshot of your sculpt from Zbrush and your reference photo, overlay them on top of each other and try to match them up (probably best to scale them so that the eyes or the nose are the same size). Its no perfect method of comparison due to the wonders of perspective in photography, but is a decent indicator of where you're going wrong if you're trying to recreate a likeness especially if you struggle to do this by eye. If you can do this for both the front and side views, so much the better.
SSS doesn't help you until you fix your problems with the head. Just ignore it till you're sure that you've got your head's form and details nailed. I also notice that you've sculpted some high frequency detail as well; this is best avoided until you're sure that your forms are as close as possible to your source. I don't know much about film if thats the direction you're going, but I know that for games definitely that you should create a Subdermal colour map (basically what would be showing up through your skin as a result of light going 'through' the mesh). This is completely secondary to getting the main sculpt right first though.
For your polypainting, I suggest you look up the colour zones of the face. Simply put its about how the face's colour looks in different areas (your chin area will be kinda blueish, mid section reddish as thats where a lot of blood shows up, forehead yellow as thats where the skin's pretty tight up against the skull). As Skodone says, you're also gonna have to paint colour variation in areas based on a lot of context with respect to your reference.
*grab link for myself*
You're stuffs still right though; every part of the face has some micro-colouring, like the inner corners of the eyes get more purple with a lack of sleep. They're mostly pretty subtle which is why your post and that image was a really good example.
- And you know how it is when youre so used to the model that you cant see whats wrong anymore. Thats whats happened with the skincolor. I found out that it was imported as "automatic", and not gamma 1.0. So with only that i had a pretty monumental difference for the better.
I did however go back into the texturing, and i changed the whole skin texture, after the comments.
-And the reason for the cauliflower ears was because of the vraydisplacementmodifier fattening 'em up a bit.
- Not that it would matter, as this guy, in the end, will not be anything more than a front view still
- I feel like i've spent enough time on this model, and its time to move on. And thusly there will be no further update on this guy.
Still do appreciate comments and critiques, so that i can better myself to next time, and beat myself up over everything i shouldve done with this project :P