I don't think you should call it quits just yet, there's a lot more you can still do on the head texture. Here's a step-by-step paint-over example, I hope it's helpful to you.
I don't think you should call it quits just yet, there's a lot more you can still do on the head texture. Here's a step-by-step paint-over example, I hope it's helpful to you.
That helped so much!! No idea how to thank you :poly136:
Here's what I managed to do by following your steps.
highlights on pupils currently point in different directions, which looks strange.
Also pupils may be set apart slightly too much, feels like she's looking through you and not at you if you know what I mean.
Also, I'd say the shadow below lips is a bit too deep.
Thanks guys. Yeah, the eyes could use some tweaking. I'll have to pay more attention to them when I do my next face.
Here's a weekend weapon that I did.
I feel like the part with the wolf heads lacks material definition. I just couldn't decide if I wanted it to be metal or stone
I also finally felt like I was "in control" of my pen and I knew what I was doing. Felt amazing!
Im really happy that someone linked my video but this method is so outdated :P
Great work Pigart so far. Im always happy to see new blender guy. If i can advice anything that would probably be stop "painting" and start sculpting as much as possible. Study anatomy etc. This will make you better a lot faster.
Im really happy that someone linked my video but this method is so outdated :P
Great work Pigart so far. Im always happy to see new blender guy. If i can advice anything that would probably be stop "painting" and start sculpting as much as possible. Study anatomy etc. This will make you better a lot faster.
Glad you like it . Should I be baking maps from a sculpt and using that just as a base for painting?
Super- love the wolf head mace, dude! Was the original concept only in grey scale? The colour gradient on the head are looking very nice. And it looks like a smart uv- optimization.
10/10 mace, would hit someone with.
Making some nice progress, really like the Wolf Head Mace. Out of curiosity are you using alot of soft brushes initially to build up your colors then refining with a hard brush? Keep up the great work.
Making some nice progress, really like the Wolf Head Mace. Out of curiosity are you using alot of soft brushes initially to build up your colors then refining with a hard brush? Keep up the great work.
For the wolf part of the mace I painted it almost gray scale with a hard brush. After that I used a rather soft smudge tool to clean up some areas. Lastly I went over with a soft brush to adjust the final shadows and highlight areas.
I actually recorded the whole process. Here's the video:
Any good tutorial on hand paint i just get pen tablet and trying to paint but i paint like a 7 year old boy
Tnx for share but this guy painting in Blender i dont use blender
The software is not important, since you mostly used round brush. Getting the accessories doesn't mean you're gonna know how too, it's just like drawing, you need practice. To do handpaint you need to know how to paint as well as colors and light.
The tablet need a bit of time before getting use to it, so don't worry about it it's normal.
I am new on Painting i never know to paint i painting like a child here but now i progress a litttttttllleee just a good tutorial for hand paint for noobs like me will be good
Try not to use black in your textures, even though its hand painted looking at really life reference is a must, look at the colours in the image and the dark and light tones
I try i try my best to take the wood look like wood and i have some references in background to watch but i will keep trying and learning with mistakes. i get my pen yesterday and trying to get use too
Try not to use black in your textures, even though its hand painted looking at really life reference is a must, look at the colours in the image and the dark and light tones
You should make a seperate thread if you want to get some good critique though :poly142:
Are you using a colour picker to block in the colours?
Yeah, I used quite a bit of the color picker. I did this axe to practice painting the specific parts. For example I learned a lot while painting a the wood and etc.
The texture isn't really done but I'm calling it finished. Gonna go back and try to finish my lady now
Pretty much finished texturing. Here's a quick image before bed.
Still need to maybe make a better environment thingy for her to stand on and then make some proper presentation images.
Hmm...it doesn't look finished to me. Some of your materials aren't reading like they should, specifically the shoulder pads.
Also, the colours all seem kind of desaturated / faded. I would try upping the contrast or something.
The cloth detail on the back of her hood is nice, I feel like that same level of detail is missing from the rest of her though. Despite all the orange cloth being frayed and ripped, along with her stockings having tears in them, the rest of her outfit seems very very smooth and unharmed. Her chest piece and boots to be exact.
Why not try beating up the (leather?) on her a bit more? Make some more wear and tear apparent on her boots? She looks like a wanderer of sorts, I would expect to see at least some scuff marks or wearing around her feet area.
Did some sculpting for the first time. Spent the whole day working on this new character.
And then BOOM, blenders multires modifier glitched out and I lost all of the sculpt data. I'll be saving to different files next time I sculpt
Anyways, I'd love to get some crits on the proportions and etc before I start sculpting it over again. I'm going for something like a monk type character. I do want to stylize it a bit more though.
There shouldn't be that higher value line down the center of the chest. There's no raised separation there, it's just muscles inserting into the center line.
I apologize as this is one of you older pieces and it's possible you've already heard this but I've always been told to make sure you have both dark and light values to make your handpainted textures pop. I took your textures and desaturated them in PS and it looks like it could use some more highlights. Both characters look pretty good though. Nice work!
I don't think you should call it quits just yet, there's a lot more you can still do on the head texture. Here's a step-by-step paint-over example, I hope it's helpful to you.
That helped so much!! No idea how to thank you :poly136:
Here's what I managed to do by following your steps.
Also pupils may be set apart slightly too much, feels like she's looking through you and not at you if you know what I mean.
Also, I'd say the shadow below lips is a bit too deep.
Other than that it looks nice.
Here's a weekend weapon that I did.
I feel like the part with the wolf heads lacks material definition. I just couldn't decide if I wanted it to be metal or stone
I also finally felt like I was "in control" of my pen and I knew what I was doing. Felt amazing!
Started UV Unwrapping the female character. Progress image before bed
Im really happy that someone linked my video but this method is so outdated :P
Great work Pigart so far. Im always happy to see new blender guy. If i can advice anything that would probably be stop "painting" and start sculpting as much as possible. Study anatomy etc. This will make you better a lot faster.
Glad you like it
Here's an early wip.
Can't wait to see the character done !!
10/10 mace, would hit someone with.
Yep, the concept is just greyscale.
For the wolf part of the mace I painted it almost gray scale with a hard brush. After that I used a rather soft smudge tool to clean up some areas. Lastly I went over with a soft brush to adjust the final shadows and highlight areas.
I actually recorded the whole process. Here's the video:
This guy really helped me get going at the start. https://www.youtube.com/user/XRG81/videos
Didn't have much time to paint. Just got some work done on the face and the small pouches/bags.
The software is not important, since you mostly used round brush. Getting the accessories doesn't mean you're gonna know how too, it's just like drawing, you need practice. To do handpaint you need to know how to paint as well as colors and light.
The tablet need a bit of time before getting use to it, so don't worry about it it's normal.
You should make a seperate thread if you want to get some good critique though :poly142:
Yeah, I used quite a bit of the color picker. I did this axe to practice painting the specific parts. For example I learned a lot while painting a the wood and etc.
The texture isn't really done but I'm calling it finished. Gonna go back and try to finish my lady now
And here's a gif :poly124:
I think I'll just call it done as it is
Here's a weekend morning doodle. First try at cloth.
Still need to maybe make a better environment thingy for her to stand on and then make some proper presentation images.
Also, the colours all seem kind of desaturated / faded. I would try upping the contrast or something.
The cloth detail on the back of her hood is nice, I feel like that same level of detail is missing from the rest of her though. Despite all the orange cloth being frayed and ripped, along with her stockings having tears in them, the rest of her outfit seems very very smooth and unharmed. Her chest piece and boots to be exact.
Why not try beating up the (leather?) on her a bit more? Make some more wear and tear apparent on her boots? She looks like a wanderer of sorts, I would expect to see at least some scuff marks or wearing around her feet area.
Anyway, good progress, it's coming out nicely
I did some adjusting and can see more stuff that needs to be worked on.
And a sketchfab link
Probably gonna do a male character next.
And then BOOM, blenders multires modifier glitched out and I lost all of the sculpt data. I'll be saving to different files next time I sculpt
Anyways, I'd love to get some crits on the proportions and etc before I start sculpting it over again. I'm going for something like a monk type character. I do want to stylize it a bit more though.
Nice starting base though.
Thanks Brian, I'll fix that asap.