I meant to make this thread on day one but got all caught up on working on the highpoly. Le Sigh.
I'll be doing a futuristic Monocycle with guns ridden by a tough cyborg lady.
I'll just go ahead and share what Ive made so far. There is still a ton of stuff to do (like some type of exhaust system) and tweaks to make. I'll be extending and rotating the handle bars adding some wires here and there and some switches in a few places. When the high poly is all clear i definitely plan on trying out some look dev stuff with the Quixel tools.
When all is said I done I plan on there being a fair amount of stickers branding and livery all over the "bike". The final look I want is battle tested but very well maintained and cared for.
Hopefully I'll have an update tonight, Thanks guys.
Not a ton of changes (I went though a bunch of iterations on the body that I ended up dropping) but I think it might be better to keep things a bit simple and clean, I'd like to rely on the texturing to really give things oomph.
I'll be starting the rider and lowpoly on the monocycle this week.