I will pass on your suggestions to the people with power!
That's awesome, thanks. The Archeological scan would be great. Arizona has a frack ton of interesting geology that creates beautiful weathering patterns. Great for Environment artists. I've used a lot of them for various games and features.
I'd love to spend a few weekends learning the ropes for Megascans's needs and putting together a nice desert package with those assets in mind. Using dDo I've seen a lot of hand painted decals used as brushes for the procedural mixed with photos assets, so it'd be very cool to better understand how those are compiled and start contributing to the wider library of assets available to the community.
I'll be the devil's advocate here, but as a potential client I'm not really fond of the idea of crowd content for megascan.
Looking at the samples already provided by Quixel, they look awesome. And if it turns into crowd content I'm afraid the quality may be diluted.
I would rather have a reliable bank of scans with a bit less samples than a huge one where you would need to sort which one are usable or not.
To see what I mean about crowd content, one would only have to look at a website like TurboSquid. A few gems inside a sea of barely average models.
But that's only my opinion as a content user rather than provider in this case.
I would think that after all this time, you would have an idea at least at the pricing. I need to know if I should wait at all, or just give up on megascans. I'm not going to pay $100/month for a product that I only paid $99 for. Just sayin.. Come on already. You should know what your plans are by now!! Is someone in charge there, or you just flying by your seat?
100$ a month would be completely ludicrous, there is no way they are going to charge that unless they have a death wish. I hope for a similar business model as the Suite, say 10$ a month for personal use, 20$ for hobbyist etc.
^Well that's what I was thinking also, but even after almost a year late on release, they STILL don't have any idea? I wonder about their business model, or if they even have one.
I should mention, they are GREAT at talking to the big studios, but us......well, not so much. What does that tell you?
Although we do have a good idea of the pricing structure, no final pricing can be released before open beta. Part of the private beta is to ask all testers what they think is fair, and we do not want to lock anything down before we can also get input from artists who have fully tried the service. Setting a price based on internal calculations and hopes and dreams is one thing, but more important than anything is what artists feel the service is worth.
For the record we have not released any pricing details to studios either, there is no reason for us to treat anyone unequally.
Please know that Megascans is a service of absolutely massive scale that we are working very hard on every day; a cg service this big has never been attempted before and it is a technical challenge beyond comprehension. I have literally spent my entire youth, every day, night, weekend and vacation for the past 10 years to get this set up for you guys as crazy/depressing as that sounds I hope you will like it!
HQ scanned zimmerrit coating for German ww2 tanks would be nice to have.
Currently use Zbrush, make alphas and drag recticle onto models to reproduce the effect.
Although we do have a good idea of the pricing structure, no final pricing can be released before open beta. Part of the private beta is to ask all testers what they think is fair, and we do not want to lock anything down before we can also get input from artists who have fully tried the service. Setting a price based on internal calculations and hopes and dreams is one thing, but more important than anything is what artists feel the service is worth.
For the record we have not released any pricing details to studios either, there is no reason for us to treat anyone unequally.
Please know that Megascans is a service of absolutely massive scale that we are working very hard on every day; a cg service this big has never been attempted before and it is a technical challenge beyond comprehension. I have literally spent my entire youth, every day, night, weekend and vacation for the past 10 years to get this set up for you guys as crazy/depressing as that sounds I hope you will like it!
- Teddy
I guess that makes sense... I only hope you don't put value on your feelings.. If you get what that means. SOme idea would be nice though
We're still rather interested in getting on the beta (and onto a paid subscription once it's out) ASAP. Mid production on a title and the first texture passes are going to get started in january so the timing is perfect. Lovely PBR PS4 title.
MegaScans is a image collection, I thought it was software ? It will be free for all Quixel members, from what I've read in some of the 67 posts, you'll have to pay for each image ?
MegaScans is a image collection, I thought it was software ? It will be free for all Quixel members, from what I've read in some of the 67 posts, you'll have to pay for each image ?
Hi Guys, just thought I´d clear some things up here!
Megascans is a separate service from The Suite, and will most likely be subscribtion-based.
Megascans will contain textures with separated: Albedo, Gloss, Normal, Translucency, Cavity, Displacement, AO, Bump and Alpha and more, all PBR Calibrated.
But also fully textured 3D assets ready for use in multiple 3d applications and renders.
If you do end up going the subscription route, I would REALLY prefer you don't lock it into a 6 month/year contract like Unity does. Some of us (myself included!) would rather it was on a per month basis or at least that there is a per month option available. Maybe discount it if they commit to a certain period of time.
I imagine I'm not alone in suggesting that amateur devs are not made of money and that a year contract would make me unable to take part in this service.
I know you've just started, or are just starting, the closed beta for Megascans. Is there a timeframe for how long that beta will run, or does it depend on how many people are participating/what kind of feedback you get/etc?
Yeah it pretty much depends on how the beta goes as there are quite a lot of moving parts with the front end of the whole system and bandwith and so on But as soon as we know we will let you know!
Is there a public Trello board or something similar for Megascans currently? I realize it's all still in the early stages but I'm super interested in learning more about the catalogue of assets/textures for project planning purposes.
How much nature stuff do you guys have at the moment? The picture with the megascans logo has a jungle environment, so you obviously have some. Most of the nature related textures seems to be of the exotic nature. Could we maybe get a sneak peek at what you have?
Hey guys, awesome job with the megascans, the examples are amazing.
Now on the subject of pricing, I currently am leading a really small indie studio, and Quixel has made our art stand out from the crowd, and we love it because the price is pay once, and updates forever. Let me give you an idea of our budget, engine licensing, and Quixel is the extent of our budget. We are using Blender as the 3d client for all game art. As an indie developer, I really dont like giving 20$ a month - X amount a month, if their is a royalty fee. Still, CryEngine offers their entire engine for 10$ a month. If you guys could make this think affordable, that would be great.
will you guys have like different LODs for each asset? I've just seen Megascans breakdown and it says high LOD under some assets. LODs would be really nice for game devs (and me )
Balbalbabla1002 - We´re working very hard at pricing all Quixel products as fair as possible and we
want to keep doing that with Megascans as well. Its hard to compare with engines and other subscriptions, but we will try to give everyone a chance to use it for sure!
dima777 - There will be different LOD´s for all the assets
This whole megascans thing looks really nice but whats going on with the release of the database ? I know the question was asked like 10000000 times before but at some point, coming soon... after quixel suite beta... End of the year... coming soon announcements become a running gag... no offense.
I also can't await to get my hands on the jungle assets, trees, bushes etc... The problem i have at least is i simply didn't know if i should go for example with speedtree for my project or wait until the megascans databse is open. So basically a real release date or at least the month would be very helpfull. So people can go on and decide....
Well Its not easy to capture all the materials/asset, compile them, sort them, and upload them There are massive amounts of data that needs to be hauled, Megascans is actually filling up as we speak, the compliers are chewing threw thousands of textures and uploading them to the database. I know it has been "coming soon" for a really long time but we´re on the home stretch right now!
I can´t give an answer to which month since the open beta hasn´t started yet and we don´t know how things will look during that. Sorry, but it will be worth the wait I can promise you!
Howlyeye - not sure what you mean by "up" the cost, we have no subscription service as of now, when Megascans will be released it will be subscription based.
tach - Not right now! but more might be added later on once the first "round" is done.
Howlyeye - not sure what you mean by "up" the cost, we have no subscription service as of now, when Megascans will be released it will be subscription based.
tach - Not right now! but more might be added later on once the first "round" is done.
So there is a round 2 as well? Maaaaaaaaan break the silence already
I have question about displacement maps in Megascans Beta.
We know that each texture represents 1m x 1m area, which is awesome info because we know real sizes of all leafs etc. provided in the scans. But how we should interpret (min,max) values of displacement maps?
Let's say mesh surface is 0 (no displacement), then what is the range? -10cm - 0, or 0 - 2in ?
Is displacement going into meash, or out of it ?
I hope each material has the same displacement range, so that artists don't need to reconstruct it by hand for each of them ?
That's awesome, thanks. The Archeological scan would be great. Arizona has a frack ton of interesting geology that creates beautiful weathering patterns. Great for Environment artists. I've used a lot of them for various games and features.
I'd love to spend a few weekends learning the ropes for Megascans's needs and putting together a nice desert package with those assets in mind. Using dDo I've seen a lot of hand painted decals used as brushes for the procedural mixed with photos assets, so it'd be very cool to better understand how those are compiled and start contributing to the wider library of assets available to the community.
Looking at the samples already provided by Quixel, they look awesome. And if it turns into crowd content I'm afraid the quality may be diluted.
I would rather have a reliable bank of scans with a bit less samples than a huge one where you would need to sort which one are usable or not.
To see what I mean about crowd content, one would only have to look at a website like TurboSquid. A few gems inside a sea of barely average models.
But that's only my opinion as a content user rather than provider in this case.
I should mention, they are GREAT at talking to the big studios, but us......well, not so much. What does that tell you?
Although we do have a good idea of the pricing structure, no final pricing can be released before open beta. Part of the private beta is to ask all testers what they think is fair, and we do not want to lock anything down before we can also get input from artists who have fully tried the service. Setting a price based on internal calculations and hopes and dreams is one thing, but more important than anything is what artists feel the service is worth.
For the record we have not released any pricing details to studios either, there is no reason for us to treat anyone unequally.
Please know that Megascans is a service of absolutely massive scale that we are working very hard on every day; a cg service this big has never been attempted before and it is a technical challenge beyond comprehension. I have literally spent my entire youth, every day, night, weekend and vacation for the past 10 years to get this set up for you guys as crazy/depressing as that sounds
- Teddy
I enjoy Unreal's pricing structure...
students = "free" non-commercial *wink*wink* or $5 to $10 monthly
indie = All for $19 per month + 5%
commercial = ???? Maybe dependent on amount of downloads
Now make sure you let me into the closed beta :poly142:
Currently use Zbrush, make alphas and drag recticle onto models to reproduce the effect.
I guess that makes sense... I only hope you don't put value on your feelings.. If you get what that means. SOme idea would be nice though
Megascans is a separate service from The Suite, and will most likely be subscribtion-based.
Megascans will contain textures with separated: Albedo, Gloss, Normal, Translucency, Cavity, Displacement, AO, Bump and Alpha and more, all PBR Calibrated.
But also fully textured 3D assets ready for use in multiple 3d applications and renders.
You can read a lot more about it here: http://quixel.se/megascansintro
If you do end up going the subscription route, I would REALLY prefer you don't lock it into a 6 month/year contract like Unity does. Some of us (myself included!) would rather it was on a per month basis or at least that there is a per month option available. Maybe discount it if they commit to a certain period of time.
I imagine I'm not alone in suggesting that amateur devs are not made of money and that a year contract would make me unable to take part in this service.
Thanks for reading!
I agree I think this is the best method
I know you've just started, or are just starting, the closed beta for Megascans. Is there a timeframe for how long that beta will run, or does it depend on how many people are participating/what kind of feedback you get/etc?
Now on the subject of pricing, I currently am leading a really small indie studio, and Quixel has made our art stand out from the crowd, and we love it because the price is pay once, and updates forever. Let me give you an idea of our budget, engine licensing, and Quixel is the extent of our budget. We are using Blender as the 3d client for all game art. As an indie developer, I really dont like giving 20$ a month - X amount a month, if their is a royalty fee. Still, CryEngine offers their entire engine for 10$ a month. If you guys could make this think affordable, that would be great.
Balbalbabla1002 - We´re working very hard at pricing all Quixel products as fair as possible and we
want to keep doing that with Megascans as well. Its hard to compare with engines and other subscriptions, but we will try to give everyone a chance to use it for sure!
dima777 - There will be different LOD´s for all the assets
I also can't await to get my hands on the jungle assets, trees, bushes etc... The problem i have at least is i simply didn't know if i should go for example with speedtree for my project or wait until the megascans databse is open. So basically a real release date or at least the month would be very helpfull. So people can go on and decide....
I can´t give an answer to which month since the open beta hasn´t started yet and we don´t know how things will look during that. Sorry, but it will be worth the wait I can promise you!
tach - Not right now! but more might be added later on once the first "round" is done.
I have question about displacement maps in Megascans Beta.
We know that each texture represents 1m x 1m area, which is awesome info because we know real sizes of all leafs etc. provided in the scans. But how we should interpret (min,max) values of displacement maps?
Let's say mesh surface is 0 (no displacement), then what is the range? -10cm - 0, or 0 - 2in ?
Is displacement going into meash, or out of it ?
I hope each material has the same displacement range, so that artists don't need to reconstruct it by hand for each of them ?