Guys sorry that there has been a lack of response to this from us but we have been replying to these type of questions just on different sites and in person to studios. But I will clear some stuff up for you guys here now though. So Megascans is a service that we want to release just as bad as you guys want to use it so don't get us wrong there. We are not holding the service off for any special one reason and this is not some marketing ploy either. The fact is the Megascans service is still in development and we want to make sure that the service is ready for the end user. That does not just mean going out and scanning. The textures are super large for example one Albedo texture in the raw form on the site could sit at 8gbs.
So hosting and bandwidth and back-end support is needed. We are in the process of working on our back-end services to make sure this is painless and seamless for you guys to download and receive the textures. On top of the services that are needed there is the programming that goes into the Megascans service and the development of it. Currently we are only one programmer for the entire Quixel SUITE and that is Teddy. With the new re-branding of the tools we made the choice to rewrite them from scratch and start over with them. This meant that we would need to pause Megascans in order to make sure the SUITE was stable. That being said we are slowly turning the switch back over towards development on Megascans and hope to get some more love to it here soon. The SUITE is our focus right now and want to make sure that is running and working for people before moving onto another project. I hope that you can understand our intentions and bare with us a little bit longer. Thanks for the support!
Guys sorry that there has been a lack of response to this from us but we have been replying to these type of questions just on different sites and in person to studios. But I will clear some stuff up for you guys here now though. So Megascans is a service that we want to release just as bad as you guys want to use it so don't get us wrong there. We are not holding the service off for any special one reason and this is not some marketing ploy either. The fact is the Megascans service is still in development and we want to make sure that the service is ready for the end user. That does not just mean going out and scanning. The textures are super large for example one Albedo texture in the raw form on the site could sit at 8gbs.
So hosting and bandwidth and back-end support is needed. We are in the process of working on our back-end services to make sure this is painless and seamless for you guys to download and receive the textures. On top of the services that are needed there is the programming that goes into the Megascans service and the development of it. Currently we are only one programmer for the entire Quixel SUITE and that is Teddy. With the new re-branding of the tools we made the choice to rewrite them from scratch and start over with them. This meant that we would need to pause Megascans in order to make sure the SUITE was stable. That being said we are slowly turning the switch back over towards development on Megascans and hope to get some more love to it here soon. The SUITE is our focus right now and want to make sure that is running and working for people before moving onto another project. I hope that you can understand our intentions and bare with us a little bit longer. Thanks for the support!
/Team Quixel
Yeah, that's nice and all but what is the est. on Megascans then??
Q2 is over, so what are we looking at? Q3, Q4? 2015?
Just to clear up some confusion: it's a blunder on our end that Q2 is stated on the Megascans page, this date is for the suite only. Really sorry about that! Our goal is to launch the Megascans beta ASAP after the suite beta.
I should note we won't be putting up any 8 GB files Although the backup raw material is huge, all processed scans are reasonably sized (& fast to download).
As far as I am aware, it will be a subscription based service separate from the cost of the suite. I'm curious as to whether we will have access to the materials we have already downloaded if our subscription runs out. And if there will be scaling subscriptions like there is for the suite. I really love the model quixel have with this, making it so affordable for individuals and studios of different sizes. As an unemployed person trying his hardest to produce a portfolio, this is important to me!
@jan19 - Megascans will be a separate subscription based service!
@ghaztehshmexeh - Wow that was a hard name to type! All the materials you have downloaded are yours to do with what you chose, apart from selling the raw data There will be a scalling subscription which we hope to reveal soon.
@jhashshin - Everybody needs more Megascans in their life! Teddy is working very hard on bringing it to you i can assure you, that's why I'm here answering questions instead of him
Awesome just awesome. Hey that subscription method is the way to go. Residual income is GOLDEN. Just be mindful of your audience.
Mixamo was clueless with initial pricing and I realize this is comparing apples to oranges, but they all relate to the same goal, creating kick ass games people will enjoy.
as far as subscriptions go I think UE4 got it right, Cryengine..hmph... not so much
I'm team Quixel all day, I'm so glad this program is more stable and I'm adapting to the workflow....
Thank you for your support Shanteez! Hopefully we can find a subscription model that works for everyone from hobbyist to indie to AAA! I've seen some of the stuff Teddy is doing right now and it looks delicious for lack of a better word!
Its being ironed out right now, we're really trying to make it as fair as possible for all kinds of users and that has taken more time than expected.
I'm sorry i cant give you anything more precise than that! But as soon as we nail it down it we will let you know, we know a lot of people are asking for it!
There has never been a Megascans announcement planed for today, sorry for any confusion! I makes us so incredibly happy to see that our users are anticipating new products and we are working tiresly to bring them to you!
The beta will be extended roughly one moth to make it more stable because we don´t want to release something we can´t behind 100%. It is your feedback and bug reports that are driving the development forward and we are so thankful for your help!
Teddy is very meticulous about the material that is released from up coming tools. But lets say I can convince him, what would you like to see from Megascans? No promieses, i can only do my best!
Must admit that while I did suspect that "after the Suite beta closes" didn't actually mean "on the day", that didn't keep me from hoping.
While I may take a look at the Suite at some point, I'm pretty set already in terms of texture painting and normal mapping workflows, so my main (but obsessive - as in, checking the overview page at least once per day to see if anything's changed) interest is the Megascans.
Not having access to the Suite, it makes little sense to comment on what I'd like to see, but like 9of9, while metals are great and all, I'm even more interested in natural textures (again not sure how much is represented in the beta access included with the Suite). Woods, dirt, sand, mud, moss, flat or flattened vegetation, what have you...
Really looking forward to this - looks amazing (enough to finally register at polycount just to say so).
I meant if i could convince Teddy a sneak peak what would you like to see, but maybe that is what you want? "Raisins" made me laugh tough, don´t know why But please let me know what you want to texture with the raising i feel i need to know!
a bowel of fruit for products or commercials... LOL
maybe the "CALIFORNIA RAISINS" may want me to create a commercial...
Or maybe I'll use the texture normal for old people to skip using Zbrush for folds and wrinkles
Haha fair enough I'll see if i can convince Teddy to share some of the awesome work he's been doing on Megascans!
I emailed Teddy awhile ago about this, but haven't heard back. Any news on when large studios will have access to Megascans? We've been wanting to evaluate it for us here at Crystal Dynamics for awhile.
I know there has been a lot of interest from studios wanting to try out Megascans, we're pushing as hard as we can to bring all this amazing content to the public, i know "soon" is a really boring answer but i promise, its worth waiting for! And I know Teddy feels real bad for not answering all of the inquiries regarding Megascans, but he has been literally buried in work, so my sincerest apologies for that!
And may i just say, Tomb Raider was amazing, played it on PS4 and had a blast!
Would I be right is assuming the open beta has been cancelled? I've been waiting patiently for months but there's no mention on of it on the site anymore.
I was under the impression, when first announced, that Megascan was going to be a texture only service.
When looking at the intro page it feels like you're actually providing meshes as well ? (the log, stones, leaves cards maybe ? ). No complains on my part if it's the case, I'm just curious to know what you guys will provide.
BTW, the preview pictures look absolutely stunning. I was thinking about doing a forest/moss scene recently. And the Vray renders left me crying in corner. Great work (both Quixel team and Blur team, the layout, lighting and comp look awesome as well)
Yes megascans have grown from textures to textures and assets, ofc the original plans have not changed, there are is an incredible array of textures to choose from!
The new 3D asset section will also be part of megascans and we hope that you will really like it.
Regarding to pricing Im sorry I can not say, Im not involved in that decision, but Im pretty sure it will be less than One million dollars! Maybe!
It would be really cool if there was a Quixel online marketplace for stock 3D assets & tiling textures + materials where the community can add their own models up for sale; with a broker fee by Quixel of course.
There are a ton of those online, but none with an application already tied to a 3D rendering programme - especially not one aimed at PBR. I'd sign up for that in a heartbeat. It'd be the Steam of stock 3D assets.
I have a Canon 7D and 35mm f1.4 prime here in Arizona that I use to capture undistorted textures all the time. I also have a giant 3D greeble library. It'd be nice to give these files a place to live and pay rent rather than loaf about on Pond 5 and Turbosquid.
i gree with Thaiauxn, that is a great idea that i also suggested in a separate thread. I do a lot of 3D scanning of assets for archeological reconstruction viz. Some of the stuff i would be happy to contribute, for a free subscription :-)
My team could really use it.
Studios will shower you with money if you release Mega Scans early.
Every Studio working on an Next-Gen game.
So hosting and bandwidth and back-end support is needed. We are in the process of working on our back-end services to make sure this is painless and seamless for you guys to download and receive the textures. On top of the services that are needed there is the programming that goes into the Megascans service and the development of it. Currently we are only one programmer for the entire Quixel SUITE and that is Teddy. With the new re-branding of the tools we made the choice to rewrite them from scratch and start over with them. This meant that we would need to pause Megascans in order to make sure the SUITE was stable. That being said we are slowly turning the switch back over towards development on Megascans and hope to get some more love to it here soon. The SUITE is our focus right now and want to make sure that is running and working for people before moving onto another project. I hope that you can understand our intentions and bare with us a little bit longer. Thanks for the support!
/Team Quixel
Another question, how is it possible for 1 picture to be 8gb?
Huge res, lossless format = huge file size.
Thanks for the info Ryan.
Yeah, that's nice and all but what is the est. on Megascans then??
Q2 is over, so what are we looking at? Q3, Q4? 2015?
Just to clear up some confusion: it's a blunder on our end that Q2 is stated on the Megascans page, this date is for the suite only. Really sorry about that! Our goal is to launch the Megascans beta ASAP after the suite beta.
I should note we won't be putting up any 8 GB files
Thanks everyone,
- Teddy
How will the Megascans library work? Will an Indie (99 dollar) license to the Suite give us access, or will the Megascans be a separate service?
Thank you for a great product!
@jan19 - Megascans will be a separate subscription based service!
@ghaztehshmexeh - Wow that was a hard name to type! All the materials you have downloaded are yours to do with what you chose, apart from selling the raw data
@jhashshin - Everybody needs more Megascans in their life! Teddy is working very hard on bringing it to you i can assure you, that's why I'm here answering questions instead of him
Mixamo was clueless with initial pricing and I realize this is comparing apples to oranges, but they all relate to the same goal, creating kick ass games people will enjoy.
as far as subscriptions go I think UE4 got it right, Cryengine..hmph... not so much
I'm team Quixel all day, I'm so glad this program is more stable and I'm adapting to the workflow....
I'm sorry i cant give you anything more precise than that! But as soon as we nail it down it we will let you know, we know a lot of people are asking for it!
Just read they are extending the beta for Quixel... Maybe this gets affected as well
The beta will be extended roughly one moth to make it more stable because we don´t want to release something we can´t behind 100%. It is your feedback and bug reports that are driving the development forward and we are so thankful for your help!
Teddy is very meticulous about the material that is released from up coming tools. But lets say I can convince him, what would you like to see from Megascans? No promieses, i can only do my best!
Glass - such as broken glass, clear, wine, pottery etc...
Skin- African American, Asian, etc... Plus the pores in the face are different in comparison to the body
Fruits- Orange Textures, raisins, etc..
Hair- African American
Animals- fish scales, animal furs etc...
Computer- Scanned circuit boards, motherboards or anything that creates that electric circuitry look
While I may take a look at the Suite at some point, I'm pretty set already in terms of texture painting and normal mapping workflows, so my main (but obsessive - as in, checking the overview page at least once per day to see if anything's changed) interest is the Megascans.
Not having access to the Suite, it makes little sense to comment on what I'd like to see, but like 9of9, while metals are great and all, I'm even more interested in natural textures (again not sure how much is represented in the beta access included with the Suite). Woods, dirt, sand, mud, moss, flat or flattened vegetation, what have you...
Really looking forward to this - looks amazing (enough to finally register at polycount just to say so).
maybe the "CALIFORNIA RAISINS" may want me to create a commercial...
Or maybe I'll use the texture normal for old people to skip using Zbrush for folds and wrinkles
I emailed Teddy awhile ago about this, but haven't heard back. Any news on when large studios will have access to Megascans? We've been wanting to evaluate it for us here at Crystal Dynamics for awhile.
And may i just say, Tomb Raider was amazing, played it on PS4 and had a blast!
Just wanted to get an idea on how affordable it will be!
When looking at the intro page it feels like you're actually providing meshes as well ? (the log, stones, leaves cards maybe ? ). No complains on my part if it's the case, I'm just curious to know what you guys will provide.
BTW, the preview pictures look absolutely stunning. I was thinking about doing a forest/moss scene recently. And the Vray renders left me crying in corner. Great work (both Quixel team and Blur team, the layout, lighting and comp look awesome as well)
Yes megascans have grown from textures to textures and assets, ofc the original plans have not changed, there are is an incredible array of textures to choose from!
The new 3D asset section will also be part of megascans and we hope that you will really like it.
Regarding to pricing Im sorry I can not say, Im not involved in that decision, but Im pretty sure it will be less than One million dollars! Maybe!
I will let you know as soon as I know anything!
There are a ton of those online, but none with an application already tied to a 3D rendering programme - especially not one aimed at PBR. I'd sign up for that in a heartbeat. It'd be the Steam of stock 3D assets.
I have a Canon 7D and 35mm f1.4 prime here in Arizona that I use to capture undistorted textures all the time. I also have a giant 3D greeble library. It'd be nice to give these files a place to live and pay rent rather than loaf about on Pond 5 and Turbosquid.