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Dota 2 Monthly Community Competition #17 - JULY

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Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
Welcome to our Dota 2 Monthly Community Competition #17

This month we are going to get back to SINGLE ITEMS!

Items based on the heroes like Huds, Couriers or Wards will also be accepted, but they will not compete for the trophy to keep the competition even for everyone

The theme this month on the DEMON race

Heroes list:


Shadow Demon

Terror Blade

Queen of Pain



The competition

the idea of the competition is to create items in a friendly environment and with the feedback of the other participants to get the best result possible.

It is mandatory to post the work in progress, or else the submition will not be accepted!


We will announce the 5 best items in the end of the month based on the decision of the judges. The first place will also be winning a mini Greentooth trophy!

Getting your item displayed on the first post

*Items with images bigger then 200 px and/or missing the name of the contributor will not be accepted till fixed


PHP Code:

or this one for 2 creators

PHP Code:
set_name - name of your set, use equal as on the workshop
workshop_user_link - your workshop page, so people can browse your other items easily
Username - the name you think its easier to people find you, can be the one from polycount or the steam
item_link - the workshop page of your item
thumbnail_img - the image link of the thumbnail that is INSIDE your item page on the workshop (the thumbnail is the one with 200 pixels wide, you can get from your items page or add Code:
to the end of the link)

**itens with larger thumbnails will not be accepted!**

  • open for teams of any size
  • it is allowed one item per hero per team/person ( two or more items for the same hero made by the same team/person will not be accepted)
  • everyone should keep posting feedback on other works, the feedback should be constructive
  • it must be submitted to the workshop before the deadline but not before the start of the competition
  • The item should be made on the month of the competition, its ok to continue one started earlier, but you should work most of it during the month
  • the deadline is the last day of the month at 23:59 (since we live in different timezones, some submitions may be accepted couple hours after the deadline)
  • From this month and the next ones, its mandatory to post the work in progress, or else the submition will not be accepted!

Tutorials/working in progress videos


Inspiring quotes

"It is absolutely insane the amount of top quality content that is being produced every single time here on Polycount. It's great to see so many cosmetics deliver not just on the technical end but also make for such great fittings in every other branch. You guys are doing an exceptional job and contests like this are only helping boost that exponentially. Brilliant stuff."

Wykrhm Reddy

"It was bloody hard picking from this list, I honestly enjoyed all of the entries. Keep up the good work guys!"


Wow, that's really awesome. Please keep us at Valve informed so we can help draw attention to the winners, progress threads, etc.
Some advice:
Try to give some attention to heroes that are under-served so far (in terms of amount of content).
The success of sets tracks well with the popularity of the hero. (Although popularity can vary between updates and as Icefrog changes balance.)
Look for heroes that the community seems to have trouble creating content for. Good work can really open up the design landscape and help people think about the dynamic range of potential designs.
Don't forget about single items (instead of full sets). Many of the most popular items in the game are single items. Mounts and weapons make good candidates for this, but it varies by hero.
Mix up these approaches. So maybe one month you do a popular hero and another month you do a hero that has few items.

-Brandon Reinhart (Valve)

I love you guys for doing this! Dota2 is my favorite game at the moment and Polycount is my favorite community! I'm very proud to be apart of such dedicated artists and I smile every time I see some Polycount work in game



the presentation is a really important part on the workshop, save some time before the deadline for that. the first impression means a lot on the workshop.

If you want to fancy your presentation here is a the polycount logo over the aegis, there is no need of it to be used


Previous Months



  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    July Finished Entried

    Horns of Divine Reflection
    by Sunshield Studio (Arty and Belkun)


    Spear of the Fallen Angel by mihalceanu


    The Allseeing hat by mihalceanu


    THE DEVASTATOR by danpaz3d


    Royal Corset of Pain by Gh33


    Shoulder Guards of the Shadow Demon by Mattface


    Edge of Dismay by Vayne and DoubleLeaf


    Runes of Revenge by Teichinn and Drizoll

    Fury Flame by DoubleLeaf


    Hell's Beacon by Xajai


    Inferno's Foil by Xajai


    Horns of Defiance by Coyo.Te


    HarleQueen's Crown by ILM


    Sinner's Embrace
    by Sunshield Studio (Arty and Belkun)


    Cultleader Regalia by iko


    The Demon's DeadLock by schnoodle

  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Special entries not running for the contest

    Warlock's Sentinel
    by Mihalceanu

  • Coyo.Te
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    Coyo.Te polycounter lvl 4
    I think i might join this time. gotta prep some sketches for doom i recon
  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    After I saw the thread I went to make a quick sketch on a warlock ward:) . Preety happy with the result .

    I will definetly do someting for the heroes from this list as I love the theme :)
  • FiNNicK
    Don't know, can i take part with my concept...
    so its:
    and this is first HP
    need an advises
  • belkun
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    belkun polycounter lvl 7
    Woooo, awesome theme! I'll be participating this month along Arty with some horns for Terrorblade. Here's a shot of the sculpt:


    I'm liking that ward mihalceanu, keep it up!
  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    mihalceanu wrote: »
    After I saw the thread I went to make a quick sketch on a warlock ward:) . Preety happy with the result .

    I will definetly do someting for the heroes from this list as I love the theme :)

    Will this ward be like one of those children's book where the eye is on the inside and theres a hole in the cover so the eye can pop out?
  • vertical
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    vertical polycounter lvl 9
    Nice horns, Belkun!
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    @Mihal: Awesome idea for a ward, looking forward to it getting done!

    @Belkun: Simple yet so elegant and fitting. love how the lines flow nicely with the ones on his head.

    I will be joining this month with a single item that I am working with Doubleleaf.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Might as well chip slip my QoP wings I'm doing for my TI4 presentation into this competition. Here's the concept, we're probably going to add in an extra color to them while texturing. Concept was painted by Fudgie Wudgie.

  • Xajai
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    Xajai polycounter lvl 3
    Xajai wrote: »
    No Lion?

    A quick thumb sketch just for youuuu :)

    Twas a lot of fun to draw despite being unrelated to comp...
  • Moffee
    Hi, maybe can be added to this list of characters CK?
    CK isn't so much a demon nor is he related to demons, so I think his inclusion might be a bit of a stretch.
  • Moffee
    What he out of heaven? In my opinion it is the same demon like the rest of the above characters.
  • Moffee
    Incidentally, the correct name of the theme and a. This is number 17. And attach this topic
  • quockhanhlk
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    quockhanhlk polycounter lvl 12
    Moffee wrote: »
    What he out of heaven? In my opinion it is the same demon like the rest of the above characters.

    Chaos Knight is known as one of the four Fundamentals, he has nothing to do with the demon theme.
  • Moffee
    "...drawing strength from the disorder of the universe." Is not imply demonic theme? And if it is not connected with the demons, who is he anyway? The description refers to the fact that he was one of the "fundamental". Our language is God. In this case, the god of fighting with light. If we compare it with reality, then it can be called a devil. Is not it so?
  • Todestomate
    But the monthly competition is limited in heroes, and as it is stated in the first post, these heroes are: Shadow Demon, Doom, Queen of Pain, Terrorblade and Warlock; So, even if CK would count as a demon (which by lore he is not) he would not qualify.
    Also no Lion :(
    But rules are important to make sure everyone has a fair chance, and bending those rules would defy the idea behind the competition in the first place.

    Also, thsoe QoP wings are amazing, they remind me of those Moths and butterflies who scare away predators with eyes on their wings :)

    Warlock ward idea is great, I always love seeing more books :) And the tongues coming out is a nice touch that fits the hero very well.
  • Andumy
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    Andumy polygon
    @mofeee look here http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923

    Aaand just for you, this

    The Demons
    There is no consistency between varying demons, it seems, as they look and behave in different ways. Most demons belong to their places of origin, only some of them, the Sovereign Demons, allowed to visit the physical plane by the Umbral Pact. One can, apparently, become a demon; and there are various places where they are present - and, quite importantly, one may imprison a demon in a corporeal form with not much of a chance of escape (which is what happened to some unfortunate daemonic souls that now serve as courier rams for Heroes). The one similarity that is pointed out is that all demons have crooked spines; Doom, Shadow Demon and Queen of Pain would like to disagree, though. On the other hand, one used to be a being of light, the second had to pull himself back from pieces and Akasha is a succubus.

    Doom - Used to be a creature of light, who, after having been deprived of birthright and banished from his home realm, the Realm behind the Light, became a demon later on. He has a somewhat humanoid body with two pairs of limbs, burned wings, horns and a fleshy tail. Has a skull for a head.

    Shdow Fiend - Lives in the Abysm, where no other soul has peeked. That is, not counting those that are added into his ever-growing collection. Is an obscure creature that seems to float around, spots a canine-looking skull for a head.

    Shadow Demon - Tried to take over the physical plane once, only to have his scheme stopped by the Shadow Fiend and Doom. Currently has a physical humanoid body with bulging purple skin, splitting tail, and a skull for a head - though it hardly is what he used to look like, him having to pull himself back together from small pieces.

    Terrorblade - The Demon Marauder had to have been a particularly peculiar delinquent, for he was sentenced to Hell within Hell - Terrorblade spent a decent amount of time in the prison plane of Foulfell, where he gazed into his own self's worst reflection. Currently at large, having broken out, his worst self at his control now.

    QoP - Is a succubus, thus likely belongs to the species. However, her only similarity to the three above is that she has horns. Shadow Demon doesn't, though. And she also does not speak in Ozhkavosh, the language of demons.

    Warlock and his Golems - The Golems, to be precise, are enslaved demons from the Outer Hells. They are very primitive creatures, most likely brainwashed to serve Demnok Lannik with their lives. This is possibly the reason why they don't speak in Ozhkavosh anymore, since the language was likely erased from their memory.

    So with that i'd say end of story.
    Now on the models itself:

    @Zipfinator Damn that wings are gorgeous ,i see so much potential in them,good luck,i can't wait to see them finished

    @Mihalceanu cool ideea,even though it kinda reminds me of this,idk why,maybe just the overeall shape :

  • Gh33
    Think I'm going to try a QoP item for this challenge, will post a few design concepts once I've had a think.
  • Coyo.Te
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    Coyo.Te polycounter lvl 4

    anyone interested?
  • Todestomate
    Me and [NB]Mohsen gotta work on some SD stuff, here is my concept:

    The Thought behind is, that most of the other demons have wings, so SD should have some, too. But when the other demons defeated his cult they also destroyed his wings/ chained them.

    What are your thoughts?
  • [NB] Mohsen
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    [NB] Mohsen polycounter lvl 3
    By the way are you sure you wanna go for chains? I think it won't fit in the poly limit
  • Andumy
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    Andumy polygon
    *cough* alpha *cough*
  • Gh33
    Posting my wips getting some crits :)

    Decided to go for a sort of pointy corset design, the curvy designs on the back are meant to show regal-ness. The front design is where the resemblance to a corset is meant to come in. Batman because Batman.

  • [NB] Mohsen
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    [NB] Mohsen polycounter lvl 3
    I thought the same thing Andumy :P
  • Xajai
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    Xajai polycounter lvl 3
    This will be fun! I'm excited for this theme, I will be creating a demon lantern for warlock, i started sketching in zbrush and got the top part to a state where im ready to go to the bottom part, im still not sure i will make the poly limit, but its worth a try! lemme know what you think
  • Pastat7
    based on lions skull ? or just me ?
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    @GhostD, I like them all, can't really choose fav. Maybe #2?

    mihalceanu, great design

    fiNNick, looks pretty cool, but which single item are you thinking about entering? The front of the clo0th needs an attachment. The back has one. Depending on which slots they go in. Doesn't seem to be hanging loose (too pointy).

    Belkun, you have a whole month you know ;) You basically look finished already. Looks great, goes with him well.

    Zipf, Cool concept, sure you'll do it justice.

    Moffee, who is CK? lol don't make me figure it out :) nice axe though.

    Coyo.Te, I looked up exotic horns on google and gave up trying to find something to fit polycount/not done already.Nice concept though., can definitely do 3 sided horns with all that shape.

    Todestomate , sounds legit. Would be a unique piece for him. He's got giant spikes on him stock, the wings seem a bit light. With alpha for chains and wings you should have plenty of polys. Maybe beef the spikes up a lot.

    Andummy, It's a great ward no doubt. But haven't we seen it before? Not really contest participation if you just post a final already done item a few days into the conp. But I'm a hard ass so...

    Gh33, Haut man! Nice looking concept.

    Xajai, Looks like we had similar idea. Your concept is pretty cool and glad you didn't decide on horns :D I didn't post mine earlier was too intent on starting the model.
    After seeing your concept with the crisp edges and highlighting...and the sculpting I did last night... I have a lot to work on...

    I looked over all the heros in Dota and most of them are pretty well played out as far as sets go. Really tough choice, was planning on a set of pauldrons for someone but they didn't make it in (Lion maybe.. lol I can't recall)

    So I decided a replacement item for a really ugly stock item would be good.

    Lantern...Gotta be one of the ugliest items for these heros imo.

    Decided to go quick 8-bit for concept.

    base mesh: with and without 8 bit

    I did do some sculpting on one face last night and was happy with it but jumped the gun then realized I needed to go back to base mesh and get all polys in place first. Good practice anyway. I'll uv one face and the other two will be mirrored.
  • belkun
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    belkun polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the comments guys! It's now up on the workshop!

    Horns of Divine Reflection
    by Sunshield Studio (Arty and Belkun)

  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9

    Any comments/crits for any of the other participants. Being a great artist I'm sure you could help out.
  • JayKLegendary

    Decided to finally make single item concepts for the competition :)
    QOP Dagger, any takers?
  • Gh33
    Thanks Baddcog, hopefully the model and sculpt will come out well. :)

    I'm looking forward to seeing your lantern in-game. Maybe you could do some cool particle effect with the fill of the eyes and mouth? Just to give it a bit more va-va-voom. I'm not sure how you do it myself but lots of new items seem to incorporate cool particle effects. Or maybe if that's too much you could put a cool texture in mask 1 Red or something?
    belkun wrote: »
    Thanks for the comments guys! It's now up on the workshop!

    Horns of Divine Reflection
    by Sunshield Studio (Arty and Belkun)


    Looks great! You finished really quickly! Maybe you have enough time for a set? ;)
  • JayKLegendary
    *Sigh* Imgur is banned by my country's ISPs, so i can't really see the a lot of the great works posted here.

    Anyways, Shadow Demon tail concept also up for grabs. Any takers?
  • Artypi
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    Artypi polycounter lvl 5
    Gh33 wrote: »
    Posting my wips getting some crits :)

    Decided to go for a sort of pointy corset design, the curvy designs on the back are meant to show regal-ness. The front design is where the resemblance to a corset is meant to come in. Batman because Batman.

    i like the idea but the back part doesnt make sense to me, considering as it will most likely be covered by her wings. try to focus the shape and detail on her front and im sure it will be beautiful.

    On another note, belkun and I are also doing some QoP things seeing as we got those TB horns done so fast.

  • Artypi
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    Artypi polycounter lvl 5
    MdK wrote: »
    Arty: Loving all of those so far! If I had to pick the one item for you to enter, it would definitely be the wings currently, although I'm interested to see how you will develop the gauntlet.

    thank you!! the gauntlet is actually part of the hair, it's holding up her ponytail

    edit: (and we will be entering the wings for the competition, however we'll be making the hair anyway for fun)
  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    hey guys , here is an update on the warlock ward .

    I made a quick rigg . Will have to add some more bones to the tentacle things :)

  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    Dude, you have nothing else to do in your life? Or are you inherently this fast?
  • Gh33
    Artypi wrote: »
    i like the idea but the back part doesnt make sense to me, considering as it will most likely be covered by her wings. try to focus the shape and detail on her front and im sure it will be beautiful.

    On another note, belkun and I are also doing some QoP things seeing as we got those TB horns done so fast.

    That is a good point! I will look at the animations and the in-game look before deciding on how to proceed. Thanks for the input.
  • Xajai
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    Xajai polycounter lvl 3
    crappy materials, but heres where the sculpt is so far, imma try and retopo and maybe ill mess a bit with particles! r9wCwwn.jpg
  • Todestomate
    @mihalceanu: that's looking really great so far! From the concept I thought the things coming out fo the book would be tongues, but tentacles work, too :)

    @Xajai: Soo.. it's more of a shrunken face that a skull, having a nose and all - but that could come along really great! Like those weapons the witch-doctors use in Diablo ;) Though it would be even more awesome if you could make a golem who has that head to accompany the lantern.
    Only issue I have no is that the jaw is not connected to the head. Also, the ribbon.. I don't know about that - it looks like those sigils medieval kings but on their royal letters - or was that the look you were going for? I don't think it would fit Warlock.

    After the feedback we changed our design a bit. We want to add something for the shoulders too, so that SD doesn't look so "naked". It will be either shoulder guards or more spikes(of which i have currently nothing painted - but I think you all get the idea) - what do you think?
  • cagdasx44
    Long time no see, fellows.
    I decided to continue after a break and this comp. looks like the best option.
    I will join with a ghost scepter for warlock (not green, Red) Here take a look!
    Btw I dont think I have to mention the awesome works you guys doing, and dont look to the shitty drawing I made, I made it for a front view so I can work easily.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    mihalceanu wrote: »
    hey guys , here is an update on the warlock ward .

    I made a quick rigg . Will have to add some more bones to the tentacle things :)


    Looking good! And fast!

    Though I hope you read the rules: "Items based on the heroes like Huds, Couriers or Wards will also be accepted, but they will not compete for the trophy to keep the competition even for everyone" Not sure if you want the trophy or not :)
  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    Vayne4800: Thanks , well I have/had allot of free time at work , being between projects , so Its way more productive than being at home .

    Sukotto: Yeah its fine:) , I just like that there is a theme , and was curious about making a ward .I will definetly make some single items aswell

    here are the anims so far :
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    The swaying anim seems a bit stiff. I also imagine him tugging at the chain more like it's trying to get away. That could also make the chain feel loose, right now it feels more like he is on top of a rubber pole.

    very cool ward though.
  • [NB] Mohsen
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    [NB] Mohsen polycounter lvl 3
    Just some WIP on the Shadow Demon wings I'm working on with Todestomate. Shoulders will be coming in later :)

  • Xajai
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    Xajai polycounter lvl 3
    Low poly and bakes done! now to mess with them particles!
    I decided against the lil' fabric on the back, while i still had the polygons and the uv space to work it in, i realized that after the particle effects are in place, the fabric would most likley just be in the way.
  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    Baddcog : ty , yeah i tried to make it a bit more wavy
    Xajai , I think you should consider baking some light from where the particles spawn . maybe add a chain to tie the bottom part with the top .

    finished the ward:)
    link : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=284192215
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