Not sure if there is a universal term for this, I just grabbed swizzle since programmers use it to describe how they transform values around into new ones.
Kinda seems to fit, but is there a better term for this?
Texture atlas doesn't really work. For me that means textures packed side-by-side into a single texture page.
An example from Disting's
[UDK] Oil Rig Observation Outpost
He didn't invent it but he did make it popular with his minimalist approach to his Sci-Fi scene. He uses a lot of UV tricks but the entire scene uses 2 256*512 textures and makes good use of this technique.
Edit: I see what you're getting at for the Wiki, I'm not sure what kind of name to give this minimalist approach to packing this way.
Channel repurposing is what I call it
Interested in a wiki account?
I seem to remember the green channel of a DXT compressed texture getting some slack cut? And Alpha channels for DXT5 have little compression - but it'd be great to have these tidbits confirmed/denied (though my tests seem to show that what I typed up is correct).
Swizzle is the ability to change a normal maps XYZ to be in a different order/orientation, i.e. X+Y+Z+ to X+Y-Z+ or Z+Y-X- etc.