Gremlins (1984) is strangely one of my favourite films and I thought I'd have a go at some fan art and make a Gremlin, mainly based around the main villain Stripe.
@SaboR1996 thanks, I watched it at young age as well and I don't know why but its always stuck with me.
Quick update: some detailing here and there and I'm about to start on the hair, basing it on Stripes hair, the kind of rad Mohawk he had. Did a basic block in and will probably work on it tomorrow.
Model is awesome, but seems like you rushed the materials and texturing. I'd love to see stronger AO, especially around anything with scales. (shoulders) The stripe patterns are not as visible and the eyes could use more love. The eyes on the concept pieces have a lot more variation, I especially like the eyes in the lower left reference image....the colors turn red around the lids. The spec mask isn't giving it any variation, the lower right reference image of his arm and hand is what you should be shooting for. I want to see that.
Can't agree more with pixelpatron, I love the sculpt and I was disapointed when I saw the final rendering. Need more specular. Right now it looks like a flat 2D drawing. It could look so much better with a little more time spent on this.
You should look up 3 point lighting if you haven't already. Right now I feel like the model is missing a rim light. Some parts of his body are getting lost in the background because of the lighting issues. He also looks a bit stiff in his pose which doesn't look too natural. relaxing the hands and making sure the hips, shoulders, and head are not so straight would help with the stiffness.
Overall it's coming along quite nicely, keep it up!
@Leinad I've had a look at 3 point lighting and have tried to follow it in my previous renders, I've upped the back light at little in this render, I've been mainly trying to follow the Marmoset character lighting tut
As for the pose, I'm not the best at animation and posing, I've been using the CAT rig system in Max, I'll have a go at loosening it up a bit but is there any different method of posing you would recomend?
can't wait to see how this plays out! keep up the rad work
Quick update: some detailing here and there and I'm about to start on the hair, basing it on Stripes hair, the kind of rad Mohawk he had. Did a basic block in and will probably work on it tomorrow.
Calling this done (unless anyone has any feedback on what to improve)
5,581 Polys, 1 x 1024* for Gremlin
It's good, not amazing yet.
You can push this a lot more......your not done.
What do you use for your renders? Marmoset?
Overall it's coming along quite nicely, keep it up!
As for the pose, I'm not the best at animation and posing, I've been using the CAT rig system in Max, I'll have a go at loosening it up a bit but is there any different method of posing you would recomend?
To me, your pose looks like that right now:
Face, body and arms are really straight. I guess you did not really touch the original sculpt for the pose, except the legs.
You need to make it look like this:
See how the head is turned. See how the arms are flexed. If you can reproduce this typical Gremlins pose, it will be nice as fuck.
I've reposed the model a bit, opinions?