Hey everyone! I've been here with a question before, and you guys all helped with great answers. I looked on the forum, and I wasnt able to find an answer. Although I'm not too sure if I was searching with the correct question. That being said. I've posted images on imgur better explaining exactly whats going on .
so if i'm understanding this correctly.
I need to
1. Use a cage,
2. probably redo my uv's no?
I'm not sure how to use a cage, Could you offer any suggestions with that? i'll do a quick google search in the meantime.
Ok, I got some good results, but I still am not sure on how to use a cage. Any help with this small smooshing error that I highlighted in my link?
Generally, you want a smoothing/UV split at inward or outward "corners" that are close to or exactly right-angles. You have a lot of extra supporting edges which helps mitigate the baking issues that would arise at these corners, but perhaps you should still try separating the section of UVs that make up that top plate piece on your model.
Once again, I want to thank you all ahead of time.
insetad of building your highpoly like this
you should build it this way
From what I see in your pictures, your high poly looks to have hard edges: these will bake into your normal map. You also have a LOT of really sharp corners in your high poly, which will also cause poor bake results. This can be seen in the last image if your Imgur album where the crevices are barely showing up.
I can also see in your images that your UVs aren't utilizing the full area but rather about half of it. Scale your shells up, make them fill the entire 0-1 area.
@Neox I cant see the pictures you posted
In regards to Neox's pictures, he didn't post any. The lines you see are visual representations of a surface cross section. Sloped surfaces bake better than cliff-like surfaces.
So I would need to remodel the hi poly to get a clean normal bake going on?
Ok that makes sense.
Once I get there I'll post the pictures. But thanks for all that info you guys.
I'll post here with any more question ahaha.
With that in mind, when you make your high poly exaggerate, everything from bevels, to chamfers to support edges. When you make these in this way they become much more expressive with our limited resolution.
Another nice example of thicker edges: