Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: CuspisCentium

Well this should be an experience.

I decided to start this as a way to hopefully get some critiques for my work and improve. Now to figure out how images work in this.

My Icon is of a fox made of twist ties and the project that convinced me to try my hand at digital sculpting.


this was what I made first in z-brush

and after some critiques and a now lost project.


It was also christmas so... student version of max and YouTube tutorials.


then there was a period where I did some other not digital art and after that I made 1/2 of a minotaur.

I also saw this armor set by a guy calling himself nightmaregk13 at http://nightmaregk13.deviantart.com/ and tried make a 3d version of it. I do not know if I should post his work here so just go look at his stuff the armor is there somewhere.


in the middle of making that I got into a fan art phase and made a version of a beloved Riot Games Character.


in retrospect I think I broke his shoulders. or just made them too rigid and thus out of character (which is almost worse than breaking them).
continuing the fan art phase I currently think I still am in, I dug up the minotaur.


and gave him legs. (Alistar the Minotaur is property of Riot Games)

well that seems to be most of what I could find of my digital 3d stuff. will most likely continue working on other things. please feel free to critique.


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