Hello guys and girls!
Microsoft and Moon Studios just announced the game we have been working on for the past 3 years. In 2011 we joined the crew of moon to work on a game that is now known as "Ori and the blind Forest", a 2d platformer for Xbox One, PC and 360.
When Thomas Mahler who i know for plenty years, from this and other forums and personally by now reached out to us it was clear this game will be ace to work on.
Usually we get the chance to work on bigger and smaller chunks of a project, this time, thanks to the trust, support (and sometimes harsh critizism) of Moon Studios we have been honored to do ALL the art for this game. I'm proud to be a small part of this project, and everyone who worked on it can be super proud - the feedback is ultra positive everyone loves what you guys did.
Now lets see some gameplay because it doesn't have to hide behind the graphics and music of the game. Such a great product, i hope you guys will get famous for working on it!
It was such a thrilling time - quick 2 of our artists became core developers on the game, first Max Degen.
Followed by Johannes Fighuber, who together with me worked as freelancers on the project before.
Not much later Anna Jasinski joined in, working on graphical design tasks like ui and logos but also as a set dresser. Then Simon Kopp and Kaja Reinki joined the 2d guys to give the game that extra polish it deserves and finally Rahel Brunold as an animator to support Moon Studios very own James Nicholas Benson you might know from Dance Fortress.
One extra credit goes to Daniel Alekow who helped us out it times of need with additional assets.
Not a big dump yet, as the game was just announced, however a bit of our work for it and a place i will keep up to date whenever we can show something.
but first enjoy our trailer
here are somme screenshots

and some of the early and not so early conceptart

sseing these again, makes me realize how much it has grown, as a product and on us

now the usual linkage!
follow the game on
- BoBo
I hope you'll be allowed to post more work up as it gets closer to launch
Do you think you'll ever be able to post more in-depth stuff? I'd love to see any sort of breakdowns
Really look forward to playing this!
Id love to see breakdowns as well if thats a thing you would be allowed to do!
Completely blew me away! Great work Neox
Keep it up!:thumbup:
Reminds me of Ghibli quite a bit, too.
Is this a continuation of the slumbers(?) project you worked on a couple of years ago?
the trailer alone is a work of art, gorgeous animations!
is it the Rayman engine, or something else?
However i Need confirmations for answers... tho Noren - no it is not connected at all the only connectiin would be me
and unity just tweeted about it. the engine is Unity3d
Can I ask some technical questions on how you're integrating your art into the prop and terrain system? Is it anything like how they did Rayman Legends?
I understand if you can't answer, but if you can I'd love to know.
[edit] Like this? (but of course with alpha blending under the edges)
scroll to around 30:02:00 or something, hard to say the controls are somewhat bad to finetune the right spot
interview with thomas and early gameplay right there
or here with a little backgroundnoise