Hey guys I am working on a PBR scene for unreal 4, I have got my material sorted out in terms of reflectivity and i'm going to vertex paint in some variance but I was wondering what you thought the best approach would be for tiles with such tiny seams

like that, I was thinking about just normal mapping the tile edges it as it doesn't require any bump detail anywhere else, being such a smooth reflective surface, but just thought id check to see if anyone had any better ideas.
this will offset the texture reflection slightly and give the feel of seperate floor tiles while allowing you to keep the edge correctly proportioned
There is also two surface properties happening on the tiles, similar to car paint, you have the lacquer gloss coat and then you have the underlying surface. So if you wanted to get crazy detail you can try to emulate that. On unreal's answerhub there is a car paint thread going around that you could probably repurpose for this.
Here is what shep is talking about also: http://www.philipk.net/tutorials/materials/stonemarble/stonemarble_ps_01d.jpg
from this great tutorial: http://www.philipk.net/tutorials/materials/stonemarble/stonemarble.html