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Is this a good Port-Folio / Resume?

polycounter lvl 9
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Blond polycounter lvl 9
I'm a fresh graduate. Junior CG artist which is looking to work as a 3D animator/ generalist.

Game, films whatever, the whole 3D world interests me.


So this is my portfolio. Does it look good? Can anyone help me review it?
What are the corrections I should add to it? Are there some wacky stuff I need to remove?

Please feel free to review my resume too!

I'm thanking in advance all those who will take the time to help me improve.

Edit: is there a specific forum to ask such questions?


  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Pimping and Previews is a better place, for sure, to post this.

    First off, good job getting so far. Your work looks good.

    As for your portfolio, I think you should remove your Unity platformer. Your rigging seems alright in it, and your animations are ok, but the way it was implemented in game makes it look very amateurish. I'd say either personally find a way to implement it better, or remove the in-game portions of it entirely.

    The 2D section is good. Some of the drawings are quite expressive, but nothing particularly catches my eye.

    And I like the mime animation a lot. As well as the animation with the bird. Those are your best things, I'd say. Expressive, and well lit.

    Your modelling is good, but nothing particularly special. Which is probably more acceptable as a generalist. I'm not sure, really. You have a style more geared toward film or television animation, I think, as opposed to games. And your portfolio feels geared towards that as well. I'd like to see some meshes in UE4 or UDK with animations, or some others in Unity, at least if you're seriously interested in working in games.

    I know next to nothing about the animation side of things, with regards to film. So I can't give you any tips there. But you're definitely further along than most animators I've seen get to. Good going! Just keep on chugging.

    And as for the Resume, I think I wouldn't include unrelated experience, like the Goodwill thing. But get some other opinions on that.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Joopson wrote: »
    Pimping and Previews is a better place, for sure, to post this.

    First off, good job getting so far. Your work looks good.

    As for your portfolio, I think you should remove your Unity platformer. Your rigging seems alright in it, and your animations are ok, but the way it was implemented in game makes it look very amateurish. I'd say either personally find a way to implement it better, or remove the in-game portions of it entirely.

    The 2D section is good. Some of the drawings are quite expressive, but nothing particularly catches my eye.

    And I like the mime animation a lot. As well as the animation with the bird. Those are your best things, I'd say. Expressive, and well lit.

    Your modelling is good, but nothing particularly special. Which is probably more acceptable as a generalist. I'm not sure, really. You have a style more geared toward film or television animation, I think, as opposed to games. And your portfolio feels geared towards that as well. I'd like to see some meshes in UE4 or UDK with animations, or some others in Unity, at least if you're seriously interested in working in games.

    I know next to nothing about the animation side of things, with regards to film. So I can't give you any tips there. But you're definitely further along than most animators I've seen get to. Good going! Just keep on chugging.

    And as for the Resume, I think I wouldn't include unrelated experience, like the Goodwill thing. But get some other opinions on that.

    Dude, thx a freaking big lot for the comments. This helps alot.

    I currently am still working on my animation reel and even modeling reel.
    I removed the andy rig animation and I'm thinking to remoce the gameplay parts of the game like you said.
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    In the platformer, the animations were a little off; they didn't transition fluidly, so you had stuff like the guy running on air which was very awkward. The guy's rig was also a little off; I noticed he had a lot of pinching in the elbows.
    The models were fair overall, but seemed to lack a final pass necessary to really get the shapes right. The textures also lacked finer details.
    In particular, I noticed the hair on the boy was a little sloppy; like you pulled out some points while sculpting and left it at that. It could use a lot more careful shaping.
    Basically, I think a lot of it seemed to lack a sort of final polish and tweaking.
    Good work, though. I agree that animations seem to be your strong point right now, but I think the modeling/texturing needs more work.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you. I'm working on that right now.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    my biggest complaints:
    1. get rid of the tree background, as it doesn't fit my monitor. go with a plain background, or something that tiles but isn't garish.
    2. centre align everything.
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