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Fastest Way to attach a HighPoly together?

polycounter lvl 12
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Gazu polycounter lvl 12
Hi Polycounters!

My Ak-47 HighPoly is made from many different pieces and they´re not attached together. Every piece has his own TurboSmooth Modifier.

Is there a trick or a technique how to combine or attach them all together without that my computer is getting stuck to have one highpoly with 1 turbosmooth modifier?

Is there a fast workflow or must i do all parts manually?
Delete Turbosmooth on all HP parts, then attach them together and then add one turbosmooth to them.

Is there a faster way?



  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Generally it's not an issue to keep all HP separated. It's even easier for baking.

    But no i don't see any other way.
    You could remove the modifiers on a selection with a simple script like this, considering turbosmooth is the 1st modifier in the stack.
    for obj in $ do
       deleteModifier obj 1
    Then collapsing meshes is faster with the utilities "collapse" > mesh, single object.
    Then turbosmooth.
  • Eric Chadwick
    You could also keep them separate, deleting their individual Turbosmooth modifiers, then just instance the same Turbosmooth modifier on all of them. (select all, choose the modifier)

    Saves you from having to adjust settings on multiple modifiers. Assuming you want the same subdivision on everything, sometimes you don't.
  • Gazu
    Offline / Send Message
    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
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