Snappers Facial Rig, I saw this and thought I would share it with you guys.
Snappers Facial Rig for Maya (also available for 3dsMax) + dx11 or Cg skin shader with multiple wrinkles maps + Rig Manager to handle selection and to create/save poses.
I am sorry if my phrasing is wrong, but I really want to know.
you can archieve rigs with similar depth of controls using joint based rigs. The disadvantage is, all the efford is for exactly one character, while with a purely joint based solution you can share your rig for various characters, which might be more suitable for games productions. (of course one doesnt easiliy get the quality of this example)
how is the wrinkle detail showing/unshowing depending on the deformation in the face?
I believe those are the controllers, not the joints, since in the video they are dragged in different directions but still give the excepted result. Manipulating joints this way would be much more chaotic.
The reason is that GPUs are much faster at working with bones and blendshapes are not just slow but memory intensive (which is why Ryse has more of them thanks to using 10x as much memory on X1).
The other advantages are that it allows for a lot of re-use - only model one facial mesh and do one main weighting pass, then refit it for the individual characters. However the same base mesh means you can't manually sculpt most of the wrinkles and so you need to rely on blending in wrinkle maps for the normals (and sometimes for the color map as well to simulate blood flow changes).
But it's also quite work intensive as it's still usually trying to emulate a purely blendshape based approach, matching bone rotations/positions to various elemental expressions.
I think this video from Naughty Dog should explain everything:
Going to have a crack at the FBX Morph Target Pipeline in Unreal Engine 4 over the summer. I will get back to you as to how I get on.
Here is some documentation for anyone interested.