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The Monthly 'Newb' CHARACTER Challenge | June 2014 | Techno Vikings



  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Ps. This Monday starts the voting phase for July :)
  • klown
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    klown polycounter lvl 12

    Tick tock tick tock...

    I realised I stopped posting updates so here is the HP 90% done. The head is the only thing that has had a quick one hour pass and looks like buttttt so that, the shoulder plate and some little things need a repass but also need to get my low poly on!
  • ArtisticTiger
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    ArtisticTiger polycounter lvl 5
    Really nice progress guys
  • thepapercut
    Basically rebuilt everything up to this point. Not happy once again and I feel like I'm running a circle. Will see where this goes in the next day or two.

    @klown: Really nice man. Really like the cloth pulling and how that's sculpted.
    @dimfist: Really like the current build man. I'd say your pants could use some more love. Also why only 1 shoe?
    @DonEngland: Looks kickass, nothing else needs to be said.
    @Ape_Errata: Really nice sculpt so far. I'd say your weakest point is your beard.
    @Ozzmosis: Really strong start, just keep pushing it!
  • Kapoff
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    Kapoff polycounter lvl 11
    Ok boys and girl, I'm jumping the bandwagon just a little bit late. But still in I guess. (hope?)

    Head sculpt mainly done. alexei-dmitriev-female-head-wip-02.jpg?1403514721
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    @thepapercut - The shoe is like 5 million quads so I'm just saving mem. The pants will get more love near the rips but i'm not adding too much more wrinkles as they are tight around her thighs.
    Nice start Kapoff.
    Klown looking great
  • thepapercut
    @dimfist: makes sense if it is that dense.
  • DonEngland
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    DonEngland polycounter lvl 9
    Some progress: I made another pass at the texture for the body and head. Updated the weight in the pose and changed the composition. ~12,500 tris

    @PyrZern: Thanks for the feedback. That was the first time I've done anything with quixel and photoshop. I'm very new at texturing and I think I'll be getting some 3dmotive material soon. Currently my model has 1k maps for the head, body, and mask. I only mirrored the hands and boots so most of the texture space is unique. That may have contributed to the muddy appearance, but mostly it is just my lack of experience. The spacing on the head and curve of the hairline is intentional though. The receding hairline may be a little unfair, but I love that c curve.

    @Dimfist: I like the color so far, do you completely texture the high poly and then bake the color to the low poly? Thanks for the feedback, but I'm not sure what you mean by extra love on my models edges, can you elaborate?

    @Klown: I like the fold update, looking forward to the low poly.

    @Thepapercut: Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Your blockout has improved a lot. I think if you add a little more volume to connect the breast/pec into the upper arm/humerus it will really anchor the arm to the torso.

    @Kapoff: I like the asymmetry. Beautiful render too, is that keyshot?
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    @DonEngland I do a nice poly paint pass before baking down usually. Sometimes it's much easier to visualize what you are painting in 3d. Once it's flat I will add more to the texture with hue and saturation passes and so forth. Need to figure out my workflow for PBR though. As far as the edges needing love I just meant that the edges of armor usually get scraped and scuffed up pretty good. It would help define your textures more.
  • DonEngland
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    DonEngland polycounter lvl 9
    @Dimfist: Thanks for the information. I see what you mean about armor edges being worn down. I do have some scratch passes applied via quixel's ddo but I forgot to adjust the mask on this texture pass. I guess I'll be posting another update in a day or two. PBR is my main focus right now and I've been trying to get a good workflow. I'll probably need to get UE4 to test the full pipeline though.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    And the rush begins, lol, again!

    Man, I hate packing those UV :P Pulled my neck muscle the other day. Been recovering since. Now it's time to finish this shlt. But... off to bed now. Still recovering <_<" Will post comments tomorrow.

    Oh, in case you miss it, here's the concept voting for next month.
  • Kapoff
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    Kapoff polycounter lvl 11


    @DonEngland: Nope, no keyshot in here, just BPR passes from Zbrush and some fun in Photoshop. Gotta love me sum compositing in Ps.
  • Ape_Errata
    I would love a breakdown of your compositing/PS process Kapoff. Your BPR renders look sick!
  • Kapoff
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    Kapoff polycounter lvl 11

    2 Wips in a day. Well, sorry for the spam guys.

    @Ape_Errata Never did a brakedown before so I do not guarantee the quality of what it will be. But I might try something like that for the next render.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    @Kapoff Great stuff man.
    @klown Is it just me, or his body seems pretty long compared to his arms ?

    Note to myself: Never do another character old-school/handpainted style... Never Ever Again...
  • lorenzDG
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    lorenzDG polycounter lvl 4
    Hi everey one!

    I saw this contest a little late, but I really liked the concept and wanted to participate, here I leave my advances, I've only been able to work the lower body.

    I hope to finish in time.

  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    So much going on, two different contests, this monthly challenge and a freelance gig. Trying to finish in time! Hi-poly hands with poly paint.wiphands_by_dimfist-d7nyd2e.jpg
  • Kapoff
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    Kapoff polycounter lvl 11

    WIP before bed.

    Added the clothes and started to work on some mid res' details. not sure if I should punch some holes in the back of the pants.

    No breakdown for the Render tonight. I'm way too tired right now, and I dont think that a breakdown of a render with no pretty stuff to render is a good idea either. So once I get some cool results I break that sucker down, promise.

    @dimfist Might wanna add some volume contrast in the fingers. Bulk the joints and in general, avoid the tube effect in all body parts. You have some great sculpt in here, but the fingers turn me down, the need some love. =(

    @lorenzDG It's never too late. Don't hesitate to work after the deadline too, it's all fun and learning here, no pressure.

    @PyrZern Thank Man! And I can relate, old school hand painted stuff is no fun. (especially for a ZB junkie like me)

    Anyway, I'm pretty much destroyed by now, so yeah, heading to bed.
  • DonEngland
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    DonEngland polycounter lvl 9
    Small update, fixed some masks in ddo and added an ugly stick.

    Nice sculpting updates so far.
  • Kapoff
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    Kapoff polycounter lvl 11
    Which one guys?
    I'm kinda more favourable for the one with the strap.

    EDIT: Please don't throw rocks at me for the hands, they need a lot of love atm and I know it.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I think the strap should be inbetween her thumb and trigger finger.
  • SwdPwnzDggr
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    SwdPwnzDggr polycounter lvl 7
    Sorry I fell off guys. Ended up having a couple of jobs come my way soon after my original post.
  • klown
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    klown polycounter lvl 12
    Last few days! everyone's doing well to keep it going till the end of the month.

    I'm going to do a big work jam tonight, Ive exported and decimated all my HP parts so they are ready for a hopefully super quick and efficient low poly build and shake and bake :D.

    I'll jump into the hangout if anyone wants to join and get and give feedback :)
  • lorenzDG
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    lorenzDG polycounter lvl 4
    final countdown!

    This is my final HighPoly version, now decimate,Retopo,uvw,maps,texture..:poly122:..

    current state:..!Cave man mode to finish! :)

  • Mr.Moose
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    Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
    I totally got my butt kicked by my life this past month. Burnt out, Want to finish the shoes at the least, since I was interested in learning the method of creating them.. but the rest.. I'll just have to give this event another go in a couple days. Just no time to catch up :|
  • Lilith
    wow, so much progress everyone. Sorry for no updates, but I do use hangout a lot so some of you see it regulary anyway.
    I`m trying to keep up, I devote this weekend to my Viking girl.

    here`s highpoly. Some details I`ll add in lowpoly and generate normal map in nDo

    Lowpoly is 50% done, hope I finish it today.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Lilith - Incredible work on the face and clothing, please finish this!
  • Lilith
    Thanks, I will finish it for sure, I just don`t want to russh, I wanna make final render look pretty. So there`s a chance that I`ll wil make textures and render about half-done and finish it after Petro/Blood challange :)
    Been working with textures today, not ready to post them yet, but here`s lowpoly

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I think I just missed your hangout :)

    She's looking great ! Might want to relax her hands a bit more though. Can't wait to see her texture.
  • OctoKube
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    OctoKube polycounter lvl 2
    Hey guys, 30 days goes by fast, Im nowhere near done but its coming along nicely. Here Im starting the detail pass on the bottom half of the character.


    I intend on finishing this project but maybe in its own thread :) Was fun watching everyone's progress, a lot of talented people here.
  • lorenzDG
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    lorenzDG polycounter lvl 4
    This is my final model, I would like to tweak the textures a little more, and make a good pose.



  • Kapoff
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    Kapoff polycounter lvl 11
    Wow Lilith, this is a really impressive model! But I feel like all those triangles in the face and sometimes around the body are not very animation friendly. Might be a good idea to check the topology flow maybe? Or am I getting something wrong?
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