I started using the badking base mesh that Klown had posted, and have mostly just tried getting the facial structure towards where It needs to be.
I did a good bit of work on the body as well, but ran into a huge issue where I had used..I think it was the move tool that broke it, but at higher subdivisions I get major spiking
Theres a bunch of these all over the body Q.Q I don't even know how I managed this, Trying to go from the larger plumper woman figure that badking provides -> http://www.badking.com.au/site/shop/human/female-base-meshby-eugene-fokin/
And attempt to make it skinnier like the concept..
Anyhow. I messed up miserably somewhere and the spikes are driving me nuts, I think I am going to have another go from the base mesh again and try to avoid having the spike issue again. Are the spikes caused by the move tool? Anyone even know what happened there?
ETA: I know I shouldn't be working on the body at higher subdivs yet, I had subdiv'd for the face, and noticed the spikes
@Nitewalkr Might want to isolate each piece to focus the details on. It happens to me sometimes that I'm lost by the overall/overview progress and I miss out some obvious pieces. I like the shape and form of her hair. Watch out for her thighs especially the back.
@SwdPwnzDggr Wish I could contribute here, but male anatomy is alien to me at the moment... But I think you are in good hands with reference.
@Mr.Moose Are those spikes removed by Smoothing with low z-intensity ? Sometimes it happens with Project, or a few brushes if you have Back Cell something Option on. What you could do is to separate her head from her body. Chop chop. She's wearing a choker, so you don't have to worry about neck seam. Oh, and try different material on while you sculpt. Red Wax offers poor visibility and you can't really see depth well. Yeah... just change it.
I'm quite new to this stuff so progress is very slow, a lot of trial and error going on. I tried blocking in some cloths last night but failed miserably.
I'm really not super comfortable with giving crits, I'll try my best doe.
Dimfist: Her hands seem kinda small to me. Liking them boots a lot.
SwdPwnzDggr: I'd go over the model and check my proportions before moving further with the anatomy.
Nitewalkr: Pants look super wide on the side view and are looking kinda baggy in general. The ass area looks weird, show some more curve, the pants look pretty tight in the concept.
@Lilith, Wow Just wow. did you use zspheres for the hair? @PyrZern, The Front looks flat to me, but very solid start @Nitewalkr, Very poofy pants, I'd try and skinny them down, and then blow up the butt a bit with the inflate brush
@Lilith, Wow Just wow. did you use zspheres for the hair? @PyrZern, The Front looks flat to me, but very solid start @Nitewalkr, Very poofy pants, I'd try and skinny them down, and then blow up the butt a bit with the inflate brush
Thats it? Really? No other Critiques besides that? Ya I'll have to redo them along with the hair I believe. I will try to salvage the hair because it is really hard for me to sculpt it at this point. I did like someone using Zspheres. Or I'll continue work on it. I'll work on the pants but any comment on the hair?
The workflow happens like this:
-The first pass is just a way of getting everything in to the scene emitting some decent idea.
-The Second pass is optimization, fixes and finesse.
-The third pass configuring texture, re-topo to low poly, UV map.
So basically done with the shoes until I add some wear and tear. I didn't get enough accomplished to do a real update today but figured I'd post the boots in case people wanted to see them.
Nitewalkr: I think the hair has a good basic form but it might be best to use tubes so you have more control over how they sit. Also when it comes time to low poly it might make more sense as well. I feel like your clothes are lumpy and its probably from trying to get the shapes in at too high a sub d. It looks like you sculpted the belt and pockets on to the pants. You could probably get better separation by making those seperate tools then merging them.
TheDarkKnight: Love it man, has a lot of feels to it already. Keep going!
DTS: Check those abs and the way the knees are. the belly button marks the seperation of rectus and transversus abdominous and of course dont forget that very top set of abs at the sternem.
SwdPwnzDggr: Keep workin those forms, its coming along nicely. Check the length of your biceps and how they insert.
@TheDarkKnight Make the rest of the dude !! He's got kickass head there.
@Nitewalkr I think what you got is still in the 'blockout' phase since it still looks kinda muddy and blobbly there. So after you adjust the shapes, continue to give it details and sharpness. About hair, usually I'd make hair planes, but for dreadlock hair, zsphere or insert tube will do. You don't have to combine em and and dynamesh em. Just keep them as separated tubes.
@Dimfist Awesome shoes. I gotta finalize what I'm gonna do with mine now.
Failed at making awesome dreadlocks hair. Fixed her shoulders. Gave her waist and hips. And more ab muscles.
Haven't really had time to do much lately. Still figuring out face structure and what not. Fiber-mesh stuff is just place holder to see how the face would look with beard.
Here is what I have so far, all the main geometry is in place. I want to work on the existing parts before adding the chest plate and mask. I think the jacket is what will require the most amount of work. I did use a base model for the body, my focus will be texturing and rendering for this project.
Everyone else seems to be coming along nicely as well
Klown: nice block out, I think that there should be horizontal folds above the knee pads.
Lilith: hmm, its hard to find something to crit. I think that the concept has slightly more of an angle on the eyes. Maybe raise the outer corner slightly? I love the proportions overall--really nice.
Dimfist: I like the boot update. The tongue seems a bit long, are you using a specific reference for that? Nice design on the toe.
Nitewalkr: On the back view it looks like the erector spinae are too far apart. That could just be the matcap though. I saw that you asked about workflow, I'm still trying to get a good system for myself but here is what I'm doing for this month:
-Get some point of reference for the piece, for a character I like to make the head. For a prop I'd use a character or similar props.
-Block out the rest of the subject using my reference piece for proportions.
-Sculpt/model the detail up to silhouette change level
-Retopo/UV and check in engine (I'm using unity atm)
-Usually I'd check deformations here, but not for this challenge
-Sculpt/model detail up to highest level and bake AO/Normal ->check in engine
-Texture, I'll be using substance designer this month ->check in engine
Pyrzern: Nice progress. Now that the shoulder fit with the head, the hips seem relatively large. This gives more of a pear shaped figure, but the concept seems to have a mix between an hourglass and a rectangular figure. The ring on her belt is enormous in the concept. I like the face so far. Good edge flow.
SwdPwnzDiggr: Welcome to the monthly challenge. The Mohrenheim fossa (depression between the pectorals and the deltoids) should be further away from the center line. Have fun with the challenge.
DTS: Nice start. Good luck with the clothes.
TheDarkKnight: I like the face so far. The lips seem kind of wide, are you using a specific reference for that part?
Arkevilex: good head start.
Ape_Errata: the head seems messy around the eyes, its harder to see the plane changes that way.
OctoKube: Nice start. I like the knee pads. I was wondering about the clips for this style. If the clips are on the inside of your knees, you may smash them together on occasion. But if the clips are on the outside they may get smashed against barriers.
So, my wip:
I've blocked out the organic silhouette changes and I'll be moving on to sub-d for the armor on the chest plate, shoulder, knee-pads, and boots.
A note about the head. I feel like the concept is not the same character as "technoviking". My take on it is more inline with the look of the concept than the meme. I took slightly more meat away from his face and body. I want this to feel post-apocalyptic, and I think it is easier to do with a man who is not as well fed.
PyrZern: looking good, but like said before hips seem to be a little bit wide, but looking good!
Dimfist: Nice looking boots! Completely Zbrush or modeled a base first?
Arkevilex: Great start, looking forward to further updates! Was thinking about maybe going the fibermesh route myself, but guess, ill use hairplanes for the first time.
Ape_Errata: Structure of the face looks good from what I can see, might want to use a different brush for the wrinkles though, maybe standard at a low level or DamStandard at low intensity? Looking nice though.
DonEngland: Looking great, don't forget to break the symmetry in the folds, especially the legs, will make for a much more interesting silhouette.
But yea looking great
@TheDarkKnight: This was done completely in zbrush. I found some new ways to keep my extracts in control and it rocks. re: your model is looking nice. Maybe try some fibermesh with that level of skin detail! @DonEngland: The boot is my design and at first I was going to have the part where the fur was fold over but I liked having the tongue fold over more. I've seen it before in some PUNK shoes. re: your model, I really like the approach you are doing! I chose a female face to ref and I'm going to stick to it as well.
@Arkevilex Great start there. Can't wait for you to blow my mind with your progress again You gonna make beard planes or sculpt it in ?
@Ape_Errata A little muddy atm, but I can see where you're going. Keep going man ! He's looked a little aged, though.
@OctoKube Clean blockout there. Give them details His crotch seems a little low comparing to his arms length.
@DonEngland Either he's wearing a jacket 2-3 size larger than he should, or there's something going on with his armpit area (or jacket's armpit's area). Digging the new direction!
Hanging out earlier and made this progress. I remade her hair planes and alpha. The dreads don't look like dreads yet. But I will play around with its alpha more. Still clipping issue though. Also blocked out her shoes. Also I did slim down her hips a bit. Quite like the way they are now. Maybe a tad too big atm, but, yeah.
Also, pants wrinkles and folds ^^
I remade her hair planes and alpha. The dreads don't look like dreads yet. But I will play around with its alpha more.
Don't use alpha for dreads. You definitely want to use geo. They have enough thickness to warrant it. You might want to play with cards for stray hair coming off of the hair, but I would stick to geo for dreads.
@stevston89 Thanks for the ref. Really nice. I just tried for hair again, with tube hairs. Can't get its texture right..... Ended up looking just like tubes <_<" *flips desk*
@ClusterOne Drop by and make something sometimes :P
I added some sub-d components: shoulder, chest, knee-pad, boots, gas mask. Next up I'll adjust the clothing to react with these components.
TheDarkKnight: I like the detail in the head, looking forward to seeing the rest. Thanks for the crit. Is there a certain time in the work flow when you work in asymmetry? I've been doing asymmetry after retopo, but I might try it before retopo for this character.
Dimfist: I had to look up the PUNK shoes to see the extra long tongue. Fashion is a current weakness of mine. Have fun with the rest of your model.
PyrZern: I'm liking the detail on the pants. For my model's jacket, I think I'll be adjusting the size once I start posing.
Arkevilex: Good start on the block out. I like how you solved the top of the pants, I'm not sure what direction to go with that area on mine atm.
Mr.Moose: Interesting start on the hair. Are you going to keep most of it together for the low poly version?
@Donengland, Yep, I figure once I get some sculpting in there the base of it will all clumb together so the polys on the underside can be removed easily, with a couple stands coming out and such. It'll be interesting once I get to that point. But zbrush is a struggle for me atm, so I may not reach the retopo stage of this model. Struggling with the clothes atm
@Pyzern: I think you need to take some more time place out the planes/tubes for the hair to get the right volume first and make sure there are no gaps before texturing it.
@Dimfist: Nice progress so far, I think you need to work on her belly a bit. And her chin looks too big. Here`s some overpaint I made, hope it helps
@DTS: I can see that your screenshot made in ortho view, I would really recommend to work in perspective view almost all the time. You know that any artist is only as good as their reference, so I would recommend you to find rer for pants and use only this ref, and try to sculpt your char`s pants as close to that ref as you can. A lot of ref of random folds can be really confusing. Anyway great progress, love those boots
@DonEngland: Man, you`re fast His head looks a bit bigger than it should be, do want tot make a bit stylized character?
Lilith you are the bomb. Thanks for pointing that out. I actually had taken that screen grab into photoshop and used liquify on the hips so I think we are both on the same track! Your Pant wrinkles are looking pretty good so far and I really love the nose, it has a lot of character!
Thanks Lilith, you're totally right about the ortho, no idea how that one happened lol, I'm always in perspective when I work( with small exceptions of course)I blame how late it was when I took the shots. And you're right again about me using more than one ref. Thanks for the tip.
Arkevilex/DonEngland great work guys.
TheDarkKnight I'm glad you decided to continue this guy, looking great. I personally feel that the ear is a tad big doe.
Having trouble extracting the jacket... Did anyone go about extracting? And how did you do it? I can't seem to offset it from being totally stuck to the body, which is frustrating me, none of the deformations do what I want! Rawr!
hey Mr.Moose, first yo need to mask the area you want to extract, be sure to turn off 'double' in the extract options before, this will add an interior thickness that you dont want to have for the jacket. the it will show u a preview, change the settings as needed and when u are happy with it hit accept, this will create a new subtool so it will not be attached to the body. Also, this new subtool comes with polygroups, if u use the polish options inthe deformatins tabv it will greatly improve the overall shape of thew new object
@Dimfist The silhouette from her ribcage down to waist to hip bones to hips seems off to me. And please give her another shoe already :P
@Lilith Edge of her ears seem pretty thin there. Digging her face a lot. Sexy mouth corners.
@TheDarkKnight Really like the dude's face. He gives off a different look than the concept, but I like him. His shoulders seem a little off. Too much of a slope.
More update from me. Changed approach to her hair a bit. More work to do obviously ^^ Adjusted her proportions again. Also gave her an invisible push-up bra... More wrinkles to her pants. More for her jackets will come, methink.
quick question, are u doing it all with polygon sculpting only? Will you then leave some of the detailing for the textures?
I would tweak her neck, from the side view it looks too skinny and maybe a bit displaced. The end of the arms should be at one hand length away from the knee
Front looks good though, good effort on getting all that detail from just polys
@ PyrZern - Recheck your proportions. The legs are way too long, the ribcage is too small, the legs and arms are too thick and lacking in figure/ shape, and the shoulder on the jacket should be a bit pointier. Here is a paintover suggestion I made ( original left and my suggestion right):
@OctoKube You're right. Her neck def. looks weird from side-view. And yes, polygonal modeling only, and I will add some details with texture if I can as well.
@stevston89 Thanks !! Really liking the paintover silhouette a lot !! Gonna work on it tonight.
Wow all you guys and gals are doing fantastic. Sorry I haven't been around, internet got knocked out a few days ago and just came back up now. Will post some progress tomorrow.
Some critiques/comments: @TheDarkKnight: Really nice face sculpt. Beard could be fuller, but you're obviously aware. @Pyrzern: Really nice build. What did you reference for the face? Also I would push in the legs a bit like stevston89 painted in. @Lilith: I feel like you could say done and I would believe you (besides the hair obviously). @Dimfist: Nice progress my good sir. Keep at it!
@Lilith: I keep going between realistic proportions and concept proportions. I'll be making another pass at the proportions before I start baking. I like your models face. Is the hair/headband clipping the top of the ear?
@TheDarkKnight: I like the fibermesh, I need to look into that.
@Jere0020: right now your shoulders are about 1.5 heads wide, I think you should increase the shoulder width to about 2 heads wide. I like the details on the pants so far.
I did a good bit of work on the body as well, but ran into a huge issue where I had used..I think it was the move tool that broke it, but at higher subdivisions I get major spiking
Theres a bunch of these all over the body Q.Q I don't even know how I managed this, Trying to go from the larger plumper woman figure that badking provides -> http://www.badking.com.au/site/shop/human/female-base-meshby-eugene-fokin/
And attempt to make it skinnier like the concept..
Anyhow. I messed up miserably somewhere and the spikes are driving me nuts, I think I am going to have another go from the base mesh again and try to avoid having the spike issue again. Are the spikes caused by the move tool? Anyone even know what happened there?
ETA: I know I shouldn't be working on the body at higher subdivs yet, I had subdiv'd for the face, and noticed the spikes
@SwdPwnzDggr Wish I could contribute here, but male anatomy is alien to me at the moment... But I think you are in good hands with reference.
@Mr.Moose Are those spikes removed by Smoothing with low z-intensity ? Sometimes it happens with Project, or a few brushes if you have Back Cell something Option on. What you could do is to separate her head from her body. Chop chop. She's wearing a choker, so you don't have to worry about neck seam. Oh, and try different material on while you sculpt. Red Wax offers poor visibility and you can't really see depth well. Yeah... just change it.
I'm quite new to this stuff so progress is very slow, a lot of trial and error going on. I tried blocking in some cloths last night but failed miserably.
I'm really not super comfortable with giving crits, I'll try my best doe.
Dimfist: Her hands seem kinda small to me. Liking them boots a lot.
SwdPwnzDggr: I'd go over the model and check my proportions before moving further with the anatomy.
Nitewalkr: Pants look super wide on the side view and are looking kinda baggy in general. The ass area looks weird, show some more curve, the pants look pretty tight in the concept.
Lilith and kwon: Hot damn!
Altho; It was WIP and still is so alot has to be changed / trimmed / scrapped / etc.
Here is the last update for the day:
@PyrZern, The Front looks flat to me, but very solid start
@Nitewalkr, Very poofy pants, I'd try and skinny them down, and then blow up the butt a bit with the inflate brush
Thats it? Really? No other Critiques besides that? Ya I'll have to redo them along with the hair I believe. I will try to salvage the hair because it is really hard for me to sculpt it at this point. I did like someone using Zspheres. Or I'll continue work on it. I'll work on the pants but any comment on the hair?
The workflow happens like this:
-The first pass is just a way of getting everything in to the scene emitting some decent idea.
-The Second pass is optimization, fixes and finesse.
-The third pass configuring texture, re-topo to low poly, UV map.
Correct me if I am wrong.
TheDarkKnight: Love it man, has a lot of feels to it already. Keep going!
DTS: Check those abs and the way the knees are. the belly button marks the seperation of rectus and transversus abdominous and of course dont forget that very top set of abs at the sternem.
SwdPwnzDggr: Keep workin those forms, its coming along nicely. Check the length of your biceps and how they insert.
@Nitewalkr I think what you got is still in the 'blockout' phase since it still looks kinda muddy and blobbly there. So after you adjust the shapes, continue to give it details and sharpness. About hair, usually I'd make hair planes, but for dreadlock hair, zsphere or insert tube will do. You don't have to combine em and and dynamesh em. Just keep them as separated tubes.
@Dimfist Awesome shoes. I gotta finalize what I'm gonna do with mine now.
Failed at making awesome dreadlocks hair. Fixed her shoulders. Gave her waist and hips. And more ab muscles.
I just registered on the forum and I loved the Techno Viking video when it first hit youtube a few years ago. I must participate in this challenge!
Everyone else seems to be coming along nicely as well
Lilith: hmm, its hard to find something to crit. I think that the concept has slightly more of an angle on the eyes. Maybe raise the outer corner slightly? I love the proportions overall--really nice.
Dimfist: I like the boot update. The tongue seems a bit long, are you using a specific reference for that? Nice design on the toe.
Nitewalkr: On the back view it looks like the erector spinae are too far apart. That could just be the matcap though. I saw that you asked about workflow, I'm still trying to get a good system for myself but here is what I'm doing for this month:
-Get some point of reference for the piece, for a character I like to make the head. For a prop I'd use a character or similar props.
-Block out the rest of the subject using my reference piece for proportions.
-Sculpt/model the detail up to silhouette change level
-Retopo/UV and check in engine (I'm using unity atm)
-Usually I'd check deformations here, but not for this challenge
-Sculpt/model detail up to highest level and bake AO/Normal ->check in engine
-Texture, I'll be using substance designer this month ->check in engine
Pyrzern: Nice progress. Now that the shoulder fit with the head, the hips seem relatively large. This gives more of a pear shaped figure, but the concept seems to have a mix between an hourglass and a rectangular figure. The ring on her belt is enormous in the concept. I like the face so far. Good edge flow.
SwdPwnzDiggr: Welcome to the monthly challenge. The Mohrenheim fossa (depression between the pectorals and the deltoids) should be further away from the center line. Have fun with the challenge.
DTS: Nice start. Good luck with the clothes.
TheDarkKnight: I like the face so far. The lips seem kind of wide, are you using a specific reference for that part?
Arkevilex: good head start.
Ape_Errata: the head seems messy around the eyes, its harder to see the plane changes that way.
OctoKube: Nice start. I like the knee pads. I was wondering about the clips for this style. If the clips are on the inside of your knees, you may smash them together on occasion. But if the clips are on the outside they may get smashed against barriers.
So, my wip:
I've blocked out the organic silhouette changes and I'll be moving on to sub-d for the armor on the chest plate, shoulder, knee-pads, and boots.
A note about the head. I feel like the concept is not the same character as "technoviking". My take on it is more inline with the look of the concept than the meme. I took slightly more meat away from his face and body. I want this to feel post-apocalyptic, and I think it is easier to do with a man who is not as well fed.
PyrZern: looking good, but like said before hips seem to be a little bit wide, but looking good!
Dimfist: Nice looking boots! Completely Zbrush or modeled a base first?
Arkevilex: Great start, looking forward to further updates! Was thinking about maybe going the fibermesh route myself, but guess, ill use hairplanes for the first time.
Ape_Errata: Structure of the face looks good from what I can see, might want to use a different brush for the wrinkles though, maybe standard at a low level or DamStandard at low intensity? Looking nice though.
DonEngland: Looking great, don't forget to break the symmetry in the folds, especially the legs, will make for a much more interesting silhouette.
But yea looking great
@DonEngland: The boot is my design and at first I was going to have the part where the fur was fold over but I liked having the tongue fold over more. I've seen it before in some PUNK shoes. re: your model, I really like the approach you are doing! I chose a female face to ref and I'm going to stick to it as well.
@Ape_Errata A little muddy atm, but I can see where you're going. Keep going man ! He's looked a little aged, though.
@OctoKube Clean blockout there. Give them details
@DonEngland Either he's wearing a jacket 2-3 size larger than he should, or there's something going on with his armpit area (or jacket's armpit's area). Digging the new direction!
@TheDarkKnight Love it! Where's the rest of his body :P
Hanging out earlier and made this progress. I remade her hair planes and alpha. The dreads don't look like dreads yet. But I will play around with its alpha more. Still clipping issue though. Also blocked out her shoes. Also I did slim down her hips a bit. Quite like the way they are now. Maybe a tad too big atm, but, yeah.
Also, pants wrinkles and folds ^^
Don't use alpha for dreads. You definitely want to use geo. They have enough thickness to warrant it. You might want to play with cards for stray hair coming off of the hair, but I would stick to geo for dreads.
Tubes for dreads use a bit too much poly than I want
EDIT: here is an image as ref:
@ClusterOne Drop by and make something sometimes :P
But did play with zspheres and dreads
I'll increase their density and sculpt on them later. Working on getting the major forms blocked out I guess :P
TheDarkKnight: I like the detail in the head, looking forward to seeing the rest. Thanks for the crit. Is there a certain time in the work flow when you work in asymmetry? I've been doing asymmetry after retopo, but I might try it before retopo for this character.
Dimfist: I had to look up the PUNK shoes to see the extra long tongue. Fashion is a current weakness of mine. Have fun with the rest of your model.
PyrZern: I'm liking the detail on the pants. For my model's jacket, I think I'll be adjusting the size once I start posing.
Arkevilex: Good start on the block out. I like how you solved the top of the pants, I'm not sure what direction to go with that area on mine atm.
Mr.Moose: Interesting start on the hair. Are you going to keep most of it together for the low poly version?
Some links might help you get an idea on how to break your hair mesh up. I think they are simple, but effective.
My brother linked me to this gallery of Ukrainian protesters that you guys might find useful reference.
Honestly doe, I'm not super exited about most of it, failed a bunch at doing clothing and sculpting folds. Need more practice in general.
Progress for today. Lots left to do.
@Dimfist: Nice progress so far, I think you need to work on her belly a bit. And her chin looks too big. Here`s some overpaint I made, hope it helps
@DTS: I can see that your screenshot made in ortho view, I would really recommend to work in perspective view almost all the time. You know that any artist is only as good as their reference, so I would recommend you to find rer for pants and use only this ref, and try to sculpt your char`s pants as close to that ref as you can. A lot of ref of random folds can be really confusing. Anyway great progress, love those boots
@DonEngland: Man, you`re fast
Also started the body, just roughing in, nothing final, but won't go to detailed with it.
Arkevilex/DonEngland great work guys.
TheDarkKnight I'm glad you decided to continue this guy, looking great. I personally feel that the ear is a tad big doe.
@Lilith Edge of her ears seem pretty thin there. Digging her face a lot. Sexy mouth corners.
@TheDarkKnight Really like the dude's face. He gives off a different look than the concept, but I like him. His shoulders seem a little off. Too much of a slope.
More update from me. Changed approach to her hair a bit. More work to do obviously ^^ Adjusted her proportions again. Also gave her an invisible push-up bra... More wrinkles to her pants. More for her jackets will come, methink.
quick question, are u doing it all with polygon sculpting only? Will you then leave some of the detailing for the textures?
I would tweak her neck, from the side view it looks too skinny and maybe a bit displaced. The end of the arms should be at one hand length away from the knee
Front looks good though, good effort on getting all that detail from just polys
@stevston89 Thanks !! Really liking the paintover silhouette a lot !! Gonna work on it tonight.
Some critiques/comments:
@TheDarkKnight: Really nice face sculpt. Beard could be fuller, but you're obviously aware.
@Pyrzern: Really nice build. What did you reference for the face? Also I would push in the legs a bit like stevston89 painted in.
@Lilith: I feel like you could say done and I would believe you (besides the hair obviously).
@Dimfist: Nice progress my good sir. Keep at it!
Actualy, I don't know how to put the image here lol n_n''
Gas Mask: 1440 triangles
Shoulder Pad: 252 triangles
Character: 10010 triangles
@DTS: nice progress, I like the chest armor.
@Lilith: I keep going between realistic proportions and concept proportions. I'll be making another pass at the proportions before I start baking. I like your models face. Is the hair/headband clipping the top of the ear?
@TheDarkKnight: I like the fibermesh, I need to look into that.
@PyrZern: nice wrinkles.
@Jere0020: right now your shoulders are about 1.5 heads wide, I think you should increase the shoulder width to about 2 heads wide. I like the details on the pants so far.