We released a new build today that includes a recompiled xnormal plugin for the latest xnormal release. We also included the old plugin so there is now support for xnormal builds 3.18.6 and 3.18.8. Version 3.18.7 is not currently supported so if that is the xnormal you are on just grab the latest version (as of may 28th).
Gotta agree, the only thing that's been tripping me up a bit is that if I bake the normal maps with the handplane plugin, they come out great but are sometimes ever so slightly off to the AO/bent normal bakes since they use the native xnormal plugin to compute those.
Gotta agree, the only thing that's been tripping me up a bit is that if I bake the normal maps with the handplane plugin, they come out great but are sometimes ever so slightly off to the AO/bent normal bakes since they use the native xnormal plugin to compute those.
Yep, using that in my pipeline. Since it's generated from the normal, it fits 100%, the maps that deviate slightly sometimes are the AO and bent normal since they get baked separately
Yup, same! Sooo much easier to just bake everything on xNormal without having to switch softwares. Thanks a lot for the update!
I find using this with the normal map, combined with the ao and bent normal g channel, you get some nice results http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1954518&postcount=31