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So this is what I achieved after 3 years in my 3D animation class...

polycounter lvl 9
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Blond polycounter lvl 9
Hello Polycounters!

Ok, some of you may not be interested but I thought I'd still share a bit of my work here. To make it short, I just graduated from my 3D animation program.

in my final course, I had to produce a student short.

It's not over the top stuff but I think it's a good start in the long and harsh journey to one day be part of a big production.



Here is the rigging reel. The whole thing was modeled, animated and rigged under Maya. Photoshop and Mudbox for the textures.


I'm still working on my resume and my Port-folio but it's getting there.

For all the starting CG artsits here, hang on to your dream! I'm all with you guys and always focus on your goals!

Don't be scared to criticize my work by the way and I'm all ope for career tip!


  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Any thought someone? Tips for a junior? What should I improve?
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Your game animation video shows a lot of popping in certain parts of the animation, and in general the run cycle lacks weight (its like hes trying to run underwater).

    Having your animations running in-engine is good, but you should really have a video that's dedicated to showing just the individual animation cycles.
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    I would like to have seen more hold poses in the short. Everything is very floaty, moving from one "extreme pose" (for lack of better wording 1am at night) to another.

    Or I don't know........ you have a ton of them in there sure, but I guess the poses themselfs might be a bit weak?

    Just a few examples:

    The whistle part.
    I'm not too much in love with the feet being planted next to eachother like that.
    The left arm animation doesn't make sense to me.
    Pointing at the ball, then down on the ground..

    It would all have looked better if it would have been done from a different base pose I think.. Right now it's all very flat and stale.

    The left arm/hand during the point at the ball is one example of where I'd like to see a more proper hold pose rather than floating about the place.
    The hand is IK'ed to shit, but the index finger's curves are probably not edited at all, clearly overshooting, making the finger float around in the pose..

    One example of a good pose and a good hold is around 1:00~1:01.
    As far as poses goes, that's cool!

    The timing of that whole sequence is kind of off, but who cares right now! :)

    Great work dude!
    Would love to see more game animations from you.. (I'm not counting that guy with the briefcase!)
  • unit187
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    unit187 polycounter lvl 9
    I too feel lack of extreme poses. The characters seems to transition between poses very smoothly, too smoothly.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    now these are some critiques I do need to push the poses more and I will in the futures projects!

    Keep the crits coming!
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Honestly, during the whole thing, I was scared to exagarate my poses (though its an animation principle) and I probably relied too much on the graph for some inbetweens
  • Dubzski
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    Dubzski polycounter lvl 11
    I'd say the movement on the bird at the beginning was the strongest part (where he lands on the branch really conveys weight & momentum; the bird animation in general was good!

    The humans animation was good for expression and action i especially liked the montage bit and his facial expression when he gets pooped on.

    Like others said his run cycles did lack quite a bit of weight.

    Overall a solid effort. If you work on the textures it could be a great show piece.
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