Hello All,
I am building a sci fi cryo chamber in Maya. I would like the texture to be metal yet have the buttons and detail pieces glow. I did a quick test (with unfinished textures), where I plugged the diffuse into the color of a Blinn, and a Alpha of the buttons into the Glow Intensity under Special Effects. This causes the buttons to glow but then I cannot adjust the Glow Intensity. Any ideas? Am I doing this correctly?
Keep in mind VP2.0 does not have a bloom post process, if you increase the intensity the glow map will just go white
Don't judge my crap textures, it was just a quick glow test. LOL.
I think you are right and just do it in post. I will probably just import this into UDK anyway, I was just thinking ahead.
My alpha is just the outline of the UV's I want to glow in White. Everything else is in Black. I thought that same thing about lowering the Alpha to a gray tone and it did not change the bloom. I guess Maya's glow feature does suck.