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Closing Specific Holes in ZBrush 4R6

polycounter lvl 5
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Fogbrain polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys, I've got this sculpt of a body which I have seperated the head from the body in maya but reimporting it caused the mesh to screw up.

So instead I duplicated the body mesh, hide the body, delete the lower subdivs and deleted the hidden geometry.

I want to close the hole from deleting the hidden geo, but I have both a mouth hole and eye holes in my mesh. Is there anyway to close specific holes?

Also, whenever I do close the holes, it screws up my polypaint information.

I tried masking and hiding, both work to no avail.

If you guys know the solution this would be very helpful, thankyou.


  • iconoplast
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    iconoplast polycounter lvl 13
    I haven't yet had occasion to use it myself, but I believe what you want is the Curve Bridge brush. You draw curves over the hole you want to close and it should detect the edges and create/attach a new polygroup. It's a variant on the insert multi-mesh brushes. I don't know what, if anything, that will do to your polypaint, but I'm sure it's better than the automatic close holes. (You can close holes with parts of the mesh hidden and it'll only close the ones that are visible, but you'd still have the polypaint issues going that route.)
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