While H2's campaign wasn't the best, the Multiplayer was among some of the best online experiences I've ever had. It was so much better before we had the addition of all these power-ups and armor abilities.
2 was a bit lacking at parts in the single player even Bungie have said that (not that I ever noticed at the time) but in terms of Multiplayer its stellar. Think that's the main reason I lot of people want to see a remake.
Very much looking forward to Halo 5 though. Halo 4 had great art and an very enjoyable single player but its good to know they are looking to expand on gameplay a lot more with this new one.
quoted for truth! nothing beats halo 1 and i really enjoyed Halo reach/Halo ODST.
looking forward to see where they take this, arts gonna be amazing no matter what you think about gameplay/story the guys at 343 are extremely talented!
looking forward to the art dumps once this is released
2 was great. I don't recall the campaign much, but that xbox live multiplayer was so sick.
Halo 1 was probably my favorite. great single player/co-op, the flood!, fun LAN parties with friends on Blood Gultch riding around in Warthogs, and the soundtrack/audio was incredible.
5 should be cool, but I'd probably say that to any next gen game coming out right now. I like pretty graphics -___-
Easily the worst campaign (short, anti-climactic, not memorable) and I didn't much care for the multiplayer either. Things felt so overbalanced that it seemed boring compared to my Halo 1 days. I mean obviously it was decent but I never understood why it's so often cited as the best of the series, and why they would remake it is beyond me.
They've got some rockstar artists over at 343, they'll be good to go
One thing I'm looking forward to seeing, which not many other games have pulled off so well, is the sense of scale I get when playing Halo. That one level in Halo 4 where you're riding on that huge vehicle through the desert... so cool.
I personally loved how Halo 4 looked, it was basically Halo with a bit of Metroid Primey stuff going on. And yeah I definately missed the scopey sniper pistol when I played Halo 2. Think they brought it back in the newer ones?
I think the title is dumb as is anything with the word Guardian in it. But who cares, more Halo! I love that art style and I love the world they have with Halo.
Do you think guardians might refer to a mode of play where your online friends can join in with your campaign progression as your "guardians"? like a destiny-ish sorta thing.
If it's in the title I'd imagine it would be more related to the story rather than anything gameplay related, but that does sound pretty reasonable too.
I can't remember the ending of Halo 4 that much, especially regarding the Didact, but perhaps there will be a big scene involving the Guardian Sentinels.
Or we just go further into the Forerunners' story: We are Forerunners, guardians of all that exists. The roots of the galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun towards which all intelligence blossoms and the impervious shelter beneath which it has prospered.
The 60FPS switch looks interesting. Way more fluid game play which I think most players will enjoy. That of course is coming with a large graphics hit as it looks on par with Halo 4 which is a bit of a shame but understandable.
All those movement ability's spartans will have look like a fantastic addition to gameplay. Traversal seems fast and fluid and gives a lot of opportunity's for skilled players to really shine and get in some great fire fights.
So the Halo: Master Chief Collection has been amazing. Some matchmaking and partying issues, but 343 is working on that right now. Replaying H2's completely remastered campaign has been hugely nostalgic, not to mention that Blur's cinematics blew me away. Holy shit.
Plus, access to Halo 5 beta in December, yey! I bought an Xbone exclusively for this.
It caused a massive popularity shift in the shooter genre. It boils down to control preference, mouse and keyboard vs console controller. Halo isn't actually a bad game series. I'm just mad.
Military | No skill | Straight forward cinematic experience
And at some point ''auto-aim'' became normal on console and some game studios even had the balls to put it down our throat by forcing it ON claiming that it is impossible to play without auto-aim with a game controller.
The FPS genre was at its pinnacle with Unreal 1998. UT and Quake 2 and Quake 3. Last year it was as low as it could get. Now with the new Unreal Tournament and a possible remake of the first Unreal singleplayer, who knows... maybe the FPS will return to its roots of skill-based gameplay and brilliant design.
out of curiosity, if Halo is not skill-based, what is it based on?
Whenever I played Halo multiplayer the skill was all in watching the other player's splitscreen section and sneaking up on him from behind for an insta-kill.
it's skill based in terms of tactical movement/positioning etc.
Whilst true, the majority of players just seem to run around like headless chickens. The game rewards this behaviour though, even more so since they removed the ability to use stealth when crouching (wtf?).
I played a fair bit of Halo 3 online, but it really annoyed me how it rewarded people for playing like that since players in TDM were rewarded for number of kills, not KDR - players who completely lost the game for their team could still be considered the 'MVP' by the game. I'd usually get a perfect performance (6-8 to 0), but some chump would get the reward for the match despite having a 1-2 KDR and essentially feeding the opponent and forcing the rest of the team to carry them.
Halo added a few things IMHO:
- good console FPS controls
- pretty good enemy AI in single player
- more open levels in SP too
- good vehicle stuff
- interesting design limitations like only 2 weapons at once
- recharging "health"
Sure most of this is SP, but that's not irrelevant IMHO. And a lot of the above stuff is now pretty much mandatory in any FPS game and hasn't really been done (or done well) before Halo.
Halo was nearly 15 years ago now - it did a lot for the shooter genre, but I'm not sure all the changes since then have necessarily been positive. I wasn't a fan of it moving away from being an arena shooter in multiplayer (as a result, 3 was the last one I played online).
it's skill based in terms of tactical movement/positioning etc.
but trying to deny the strength of auto-aim mechanics is just ridiculous.
We are playing the role of an elite augmented super soldier. Also, everyone has it so it is a level playing field.
Auto-aim does little to aid in situational awareness, environment memorization or timing as you have said, and while it does not happen often the auto-aim can get in the way and is something to work around when tracking overlapping targets.
While H2's campaign wasn't the best, the Multiplayer was among some of the best online experiences I've ever had. It was so much better before we had the addition of all these power-ups and armor abilities.
If anything, ODST's campaign was far worse.
Very much looking forward to Halo 5 though. Halo 4 had great art and an very enjoyable single player but its good to know they are looking to expand on gameplay a lot more with this new one.
quoted for truth! nothing beats halo 1 and i really enjoyed Halo reach/Halo ODST.
looking forward to see where they take this, arts gonna be amazing no matter what you think about gameplay/story the guys at 343 are extremely talented!
looking forward to the art dumps once this is released
Halo 1 was probably my favorite. great single player/co-op, the flood!, fun LAN parties with friends on Blood Gultch riding around in Warthogs, and the soundtrack/audio was incredible.
5 should be cool, but I'd probably say that to any next gen game coming out right now. I like pretty graphics -___-
I believe Sparth stepped into that role. And I love his art so thats awesome to me.
Easily the worst campaign (short, anti-climactic, not memorable) and I didn't much care for the multiplayer either. Things felt so overbalanced that it seemed boring compared to my Halo 1 days. I mean obviously it was decent but I never understood why it's so often cited as the best of the series, and why they would remake it is beyond me.
This looks cool, I'm excited!
One thing I'm looking forward to seeing, which not many other games have pulled off so well, is the sense of scale I get when playing Halo. That one level in Halo 4 where you're riding on that huge vehicle through the desert... so cool.
It's a great time to be a Halo fan, not such a great time to be somebody who doesn't own an XB1.
One day they'll port all of this to PC, I hope!
Only game that could make me buy an Xbone
I look forward to seeing what comes. Shifting to 60fps for mp will give it that nice smooth and fast response in the controls. Excited about that.
Can't wait to see more. I LOVE ME SOME HALO!!!!
Or we just go further into the Forerunners' story: We are Forerunners, guardians of all that exists. The roots of the galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun towards which all intelligence blossoms and the impervious shelter beneath which it has prospered.
That teaser sure was sweet.. but I'm still thirsty :icon60:
It's kind of like Metroid.
Thanks for the advice computron. I like metriod.
Yea, then you should try Halo sometime, it's like Call of Duty but in space.
There is this one blue chick in it, she's kind of like Princess Peach. ...ya know, from Mario?
er actually, it's more like Navi, from Zelda.
Do you like playing Zelda? well, if you do, then you'll probably like Halo.
Its exactly like that.
I laughed so hard I nearly spilled my drink all over my tablet.
That's enough excitement for one day.
Info is starting to trickle in. I for one am very excited to see how the new multi-player changes will work out.
All those movement ability's spartans will have look like a fantastic addition to gameplay. Traversal seems fast and fluid and gives a lot of opportunity's for skilled players to really shine and get in some great fire fights.
Halo 5 is whats gonna make me buy an Xbone
Plus, access to Halo 5 beta in December, yey! I bought an Xbone exclusively for this.
I'm not crazy about the live action results, but I love what they're doing with the story.
Weekly audio series profiling the Chief. (Serial for Halo) It's awesome.
I'm confused but this is great
A mediocre console shooter that somehow single-handedly destroyed PC shooters for many years. It also opened the gates for the Call of Duty shitstorm.
Sorry, I'm just a mad Quake and UT player. :poly141: I know I'm outnumbered.
It caused a massive popularity shift in the shooter genre. It boils down to control preference, mouse and keyboard vs console controller. Halo isn't actually a bad game series. I'm just mad.
out of curiosity, if Halo is not skill-based, what is it based on?
it's skill based in terms of tactical movement/positioning etc.
but trying to deny the strength of auto-aim mechanics is just ridiculous.
Whilst true, the majority of players just seem to run around like headless chickens. The game rewards this behaviour though, even more so since they removed the ability to use stealth when crouching (wtf?).
I played a fair bit of Halo 3 online, but it really annoyed me how it rewarded people for playing like that since players in TDM were rewarded for number of kills, not KDR - players who completely lost the game for their team could still be considered the 'MVP' by the game. I'd usually get a perfect performance (6-8 to 0), but some chump would get the reward for the match despite having a 1-2 KDR and essentially feeding the opponent and forcing the rest of the team to carry them.
Still hasn't changed.
Rant rant rant.
Halo added a few things IMHO:
- good console FPS controls
- pretty good enemy AI in single player
- more open levels in SP too
- good vehicle stuff
- interesting design limitations like only 2 weapons at once
- recharging "health"
Sure most of this is SP, but that's not irrelevant IMHO. And a lot of the above stuff is now pretty much mandatory in any FPS game and hasn't really been done (or done well) before Halo.
We are playing the role of an elite augmented super soldier. Also, everyone has it so it is a level playing field.
Auto-aim does little to aid in situational awareness, environment memorization or timing as you have said, and while it does not happen often the auto-aim can get in the way and is something to work around when tracking overlapping targets.
Everyone is saying the guys with Chief are Blue Team, which could be pretty cool.