Trying to change materials and such, but when I choose a new one nothing happens. The color only will change if I change the color below the material selector.. Never really tried this before so I must be missing something major?
Well if you already have a material on the subtool then you'll need to turn on either M or MRGB and paint in your new material or just turn on m and hit a fill object and it will fill the whole subtool with just the material.
You can also toggle the little paintbrush icon adjacent to your subtool to temporarily disable colors/materials. When off, the currently selected color and material will show instead of what's applied.
If I start with the Dynawax sphere It lets me change materials. If I do dynamesh it doesn't? Well it does but they all stay the same color, the ugly red...?
If you ever need to be able to select different matcaps and see them update on the subtool (i.e. the way a new subtool will behave before a material has been applied to it) then just turn on M, choose the 'Flat Color' MatCap and fill the object. It will then display the currently selected MatCap until you colour/polypaint with M/Mrgb enabled.